A TrAIN és a Gasworks közös kutatási alapú rezidens programja keretében bármilyen nemzetiségű művészek számára kínál kutatási lehetőséget. A program a művész számára biztosítja a lakhatást, elméleti és gyakorlati kutatási helyet, megélhetési költséget (140£/hét), produkciós költséget (~500£), utazási kártya…stb.. A rezidens program időtartama 8-11 hét. A pályázat benyújtásának határideje : 10:00 , csütörtök A december 12, 2013.
TrAIN – Gasworks Residency
14th April 2014 – 3rd July 2014
Call now open for artists of any nationality not currently living and working in the UK.
Deadline for applications: 12 December 2013.
TrAIN (transnational art, identity and nation) is a Research Centre based at Chelsea College of Art & Design, University of the Arts London. TrAIN has collaborated annually with Gasworks since 2007 with the aim of developing a research-based residency programme extending between the studio and the art school. Offering both practical and academic research facilities, this residency focuses on professional development, artistic exchange and the development of artistic research and process. The support, networks and creative environments that Gasworks and TrAIN can offer will provide the artist with the means to research and experiment with new work, taking an important step in an international context. For more information on TrAIN, please click here.
Applicants are required to submit a research proposal, in no more than 300 words, illustrating how they might approach the residency, and what they might hope to achieve. The area/focus of research is not prescribed, but the panel will be looking for well-developed, context specific proposals that aim to capitalise on the resources and opportunities that both TrAIN and Gasworks may be able to provide.
The winning artist will be expected to make at least one presentation within TrAIN, or otherwise propose a mode of engagement with faculty and students.
The successful artist will be notified by the second week of January 2014. Artist selected for 2012: Sean Lynch (Ireland). Artist selected for 2013 Marianna Christofides (Cyprus).
Please note: This year the residency will be minimum 8 weeks in duration, up to a maximum of 11 weeks (depending on funding), running between April and the first week of July 2014.
The residency comprises:
- single room accommodation within Gasworks Residencies House (a three-story house, the communal spaces of which will be shared with the other artists in residence).
- basic living expenses in London (weekly stipend of up to £140pw)
- a studio at Gasworks, alongside other visting artists and Gasworks permanent studio artists.
- small materials/production budget (up to £500)
- economy flights from the artists home city to London.
- Travel card (zones 1+2) for unlimited travel within central London for the duration of the residency.
- an artist’s talk and Open Studio, or similar public presentations, at Gasworks
- administrative, pastoral and curatorial support from Gasworks and TrAIN
Please note, the grant does not include travel insurance or airport transfers. These will be the responsibility of the artist. Please also be aware that the materials budget provided is very modest, so some economy on the part of the successful artist will be necessary.
The support, networks and creative environments that Gasworks can offer will provide the artist with the means to research and experiment with new work. This residency is open to emerging and mid-career artists. The selected artist should be able to engage discursively and speculatively with Gasworks’ environments and London’s wider artistic and cultural context.
Overview of Gasworks International Residency Programme – please click here and scroll to ‘Overview’ Please read this before applying.
The Application
There is no application form. Please submit the following information electronically:
We prefer digital applications, preferably within one concise PDF document, or otherwise in Word formats. There is a 10MB limit on each email sent to us but you can send your files via ‘we transfer’, ‘hightail’, ‘dropbox’ or similar file-sharing service, if necessary.
Your application should include:
- A statement outlining your research project proposal (300 word max)
- An artist’s statement describing your practice and areas of interest in your work (250 word max)
- A minimum of 10 images (preferably more) of recent work (preferably within the PDF document) with captions and a short description if necessary.
- A curriculum vitae
- Any relevant documentation (e.g. articles or papers about the work or exhibitions, publications, etc).
- A cover sheet with name, contact address, e-mail and telephone numbers if available, plus confirmation that you will be available between April-June 2014, if selected.
Applications should be emailed to:
Residencies Assistant, Gasworks
If you prefer to post your application, please send it to:
Residencies Programmer
Gasworks International Residency Programme
155 Vauxhall Street
London SE11 5RH
We regret that we are not able to return hard-copy materials.
Please read the following before applying.
Selection and eligibility
The residency is open to contemporary visual artists working in all disciplines, however one must note the restricted facilities. Emerging and mid-career artists involved in high quality art practice who have not had the opportunity to work in London before are prioritised.
Applying artists should have a good level of spoken English, and should feel comfortable engaging in artistic discussions in English.
It is important that all applicants research both Gasworks and TrAIN thoroughly, before submitting their proposal, so as to be fully aware of the context of which they would (if successful) be entering.
Gasworks and TrAIN will create a shortlist, from which a panel of representatives of both organisations will select the successful artist.
Deadline for applications: 10am, Thursday the 12 December 2013
Selection Process:
The artist will be selected on the basis of the application.
One artist will be invited by the selection panel, which is constituted by Dr Michael Asbury (Reader in the history and theory of art, TrAIN, Chelsea College of Art), Alessio Antoniolli (Director, Gasworks), Rowan Geddis (Residencies Programmer, Gasworks).
The decision will be announced in January 2014.
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