Promoting Learning for the World of Work. Work has many faces – show us what it looks like in your country! What is “work”? Work is…… an identity… a place… a path… a fundamental right. Every working person brings their own set of skills to the workplace. Whether you are an amateur or professional photographer, capture the working environments in your country and send us your best pictures of the world of work!
In the course of their life, most people spend more time working than at any other waking endeavour. A person’s occupation has an important role to play in defining their role in society, building their identity, and giving meaning to their life. At the same time, work is essential in providing people with food, shelter and basic care.
Around the world, the working population has many faces. The vast majority of jobs require technical and vocational skills, which are acquired in informal settings, on the job, or in formal settings such as schools or training institutions. Manual and physical labour have a central role to play in building a country’s economy. However, in a world that is shifting from industrial to information age, the traditional distinction between manual, “blue-collar”, and intellectual, “white-collar”, work is blurring.
We are looking for a wide range of photos, portraying learning and working people – women and men – in action. What do different occupations look like in your country? What does training for the world of work look like? Your pictures could depict the traditional crafts and trades, show technical and vocational occupations in the modern workplace or present learning situations in which people are preparing for the world of work.
The winning photographs will be published on the UNESCO-UNEVOC website and will be featured in an upcoming milestone publication on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of UNESCO-UNEVOC’s establishment in 2012.
Entry: Free Entry
Winner is: Judged
Deadline: March 09, 2012
PRIZE DETAILS: The winning photographs will be published on the UNESCO-UNEVOC website and will be featured in an upcoming milestone publication on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of UNESCO-UNEVOC’s establishment in 2012.
COPYRIGHT: The copyright of submitted and winning photos will be owned by the participating photographers. Contest photographers will be able to use their photos, which they retain the copyright to, in their print and online portfolios, exhibitions, books and other publications and to disseminate – including sell – their photos to interested clients. They will be identified as the authors of the photos.
USAGE RIGHTS: The winning photos will be released to the non-exclusive use of UNESCO-UNEVOC. Such use will be restricted to UNESCO-UNEVOC’s 10th anniversary brochure and UNEVOC’s online presence.
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