International scholarships for undergraduate students. The University has a long tradition of welcoming international students from around the world and is pleased to be able to offer a number of scholarships for entry at undergraduate level. The scholarships will be worth £5000 per annum (for up to three years of study) towards the cost of tuition fees and are offered to nationals of any country paying international fees. Deadline for application: 31 May 2013.
Download a pdf version of the latest flyer
The closing date for application is 31 May 2013 prior to the academic year of entry.
- Applicants for undergraduate study at the University of Kent may ask to be considered for one of the University’s International Scholarships.
- In order to be eligible for consideration for a scholarship, all of the conditions 1 to 3 below must have been satisfied:
- an application must have been made for a degree course at the University of Kent .
- the applicant must have received an offer of a place on such a degree course.
- the University must have received confirmation of the applicant’s firm acceptance of the offer.
- the applicant must have demonstrated ability to fund their programme of study.
At the point of application for the scholarship, you are asked to submit an original essay of between 750 to 1,000 words on the topic: „Why have you chosen your selected degree programme; why have you applied to the University of Kent; and how do you see your degree at Kent preparing you for your life after graduation„.
Please click here to make an application for this scholarship and submit written work
All applications, whether online or by mail, must include your UCAS number, date of birth and the 750-1,000 word essay as specified above (which, in the case of an online application, can be cut and pasted from a Word document). The application may be sent by mail to:
International Development (International Scholarships)
University of Kent,
Kent CT2 7NZ,
United Kingdom.
Scholarships will be awarded based on the information provided on your UCAS form, together with the clear thinking and motivation shown in the submitted essay.
The University of Kent reserves the right not to allocate the awards if the selection panel identifies no suitable candidates. We expect to inform candidates whether or not they have been successful by 31 July 2013.
For further information:
Telephone: +44 (0) 1227 824904
Fax: + 44 (0) 1227 823247
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