Az Európai Unió MEDIA programja által támogatott videómegosztó a Nemzetközi Visegrádi Alap támogatásával pályázatot hirdet a cseh Kino Praha, a szlovák OZ Publikum és a Krakkói Filmalap együttműködésével. A “Visegrad Shorts on Tour” utazó kisfilmfesztivál a visegrádi régió legjobb kisfilmjeit és alkotóit mutatja be offline és online formában egyaránt.
Win the 1000 euro Visegrad Short Film Award, a projection of your films in the four countries and build your network. A possibility you cannot miss! opens a call for films for the Visegrad Shorts on Tour event supported by The Visegrad Fund, in cooperation with Kino Praha (CZ), OZ (SK) and Polishorts (PL). Visegrad Shorts on Tour is a travelling short film festival, introducing the most innovative short films from the region, made by young people under 35. The festival aims to help not yet established young filmmakers to showcase their work to a wider audience, get feedback and network. We also aim to form an audience for short films in the region both offline and online, through a dedicated online platform. The filmmakers will be encouraged to form a regional young filmmakers’ association.
The Visegrad Shorts on Tour will be held between 12th and 18th April in Krakow, Prague, Bratislava and Budapest. Six selected directors will be travelling on the tour and present their films in each country. The winners of the Visegrad Short Film Award and Audience Award will be announced during the Closing Ceremony of the festival in Budapest on 17th April. will hand out three awards: the 1000 euro Visegrad Shortfilm Award, the online competition award and the audience choice award.
Only legal citizens of Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland may submit films to the Visegrad Shorts on Tour competition. Entrants upload their films in a password protected version to, and set the password to „visegrad”, than send the Daazo link by the entry form. Entrants may upload more than one film. The films uploaded to the “Visegrad Shorts on Tour” competition should have been produced in 2009 or later, should have English subtitles and the duration of the film should not exceed 20 minutes. Entrants agree to have their film screened in the four countries and that their film will become visible online on for an undetermined period after the projections in the Visegrad countries have taken place.
The deadline for application is 23th March, 2012.
The Visegrad Shorts on Tour is a project realized with the cooperation of The Visegrad Fund, Kino Praha, OZ and Krakow Film Foundation. is supported by the Media Programme of the EU.
You can find the entry form here:
detailed regulations is here:
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