Pályázatok – Pályázatfigyelő – Pályázatírás

Wayra Innovációs pályázat

A Telefónica elindítja Wayra programját és várja az innovatív technológiai ötleteket – magyar vállalkozások is indulhatnak a regionális pályázaton.

  • A Wayra fejlesztési forrásokat, támogatást és munkaterületet kínál a legjobb projekteknek
  • A nyertes projektek legfeljebb 50 ezer euró támogatást kapnak és 300 milliós potenciális ügyfélkörhöz kapnak hozzáférést
  • Az érdeklődők hat hétig, 2012. december 13. és 2013. január 21. között pályázhatnak
  • A világon bárhonnan lehet pályázni a meglévő Wayra Akadémiákra
  • A Wayra CR élénk érdeklődésre számít a Cseh Köztársaság és a szomszédos kelet-közép-európai országok induló vállalkozásai részéről
  • Prágában nyílik meg a globális hálózat 13. Wayra Akadémiája

A Wayra program fő célja az innovatív technológiai projektek támogatása és piaci boldogulásuk elősegítése. A 2011-ben Latin-Amerikából indult kezdeményezést az idén terjesztették ki Európára. Spanyolország, az Egyesült Királyság, Írország és Németország után a program hivatalosan ma indul el a Cseh Köztársaságban.

„Örömmel jelentem be, hogy a kelet-közép-európai régióban is elindítjuk globális inkubátor-kezdeményezésünket. A kiválasztott projektek finanszírozási, mentorálási és oktatási támogatásban részesülnek. Programunk különlegessége, hogy a nyertes pályázók hozzáférhetnek 300 milliós vezetékes és mobil kommunikációs ügyfélkörünkhöz is” – jelentette ki Felix Geyr, a Telefónica Czech Republic stratégiai és üzletfejlesztési igazgatója. „A Wayra célja az olyan innovatív digitális ökoszisztémák támogatása, amelyek hozzájárulnak Európa gazdasági növekedéséhez, munkahelyeket teremtenek és elősegítik a telekommunikációs ipar átalakítását. Nagy érdeklődéssel várom az első körben benyújtott pályázatokat” – tette hozzá Felix Geyr.


A Wayra 2012. december 13-tól fogadja a pályázatokat. A pályázati kiírás és a programmal kapcsolatos részletes információ a weboldalon érhető el. A projektek kidolgozásához és a szükséges dokumentumok beszerzéséhez hat hét áll rendelkezésre. A Wayra a következő területeket célzó projekteket támogatja:

  • videó szolgáltatások és digitális háztartás
  • számítási felhő
  • pénzügyi szolgáltatások
  • big data
  • reklám
  • M2M (machine-to-machine)
  • biztonság
  • e-egészségügy
  • e-kereskedelem
  • e-tanulás
  • intelligens nagyvárosok
  • közösségi innovációk
  • hálózatok és rendszerek
  • mobil alkalmazások
  • közösségi hálózatok és internetes alkalmazások

A Wayra dedikált szakértői által kiválasztott 20 legérdekesebb projekt mentori támogatásban részesül a Wayra Hét során. A „elődöntős” vállalkozóknak ekkor lehetőségük lesz tovább dolgozni projektjükön és bemutatni azt egy szakértőkből, vállalkozókból és befektetőkből álló bizottságnak, amely kiválasztja a döntőbe kerülő tíz legjobb ötletet. Ezek a projektek kapnak meghívást a Wayra Akadémiára. Fő értékelési szempontok: jövőbeni üzleti potenciál, a projektet megalapozó ügyfélinformációk, vállalati versenystratégia és a csapat színvonala. A munkaterület és a további fejlesztés támogatása mellett a kiválasztott projektek a vállalkozás 5-10 százalékos üzletrészéért cserébe legfeljebb 50 ezer eurós finanszírozást is elnyerhetnek.


Hany Farghali
médiakapcsolatokért felelős vezető/szóvivő
Telefónica Czech Republic, a.s.
t 606 02 02 02
t 800 163 342 (800 1 media)

Pákolicz Attila
Chapter4 Communications Kft.
Tel: +36 30 700 1888 

1st wayraCall 2013

Open call until 21 Jan 2013

To participate, you must register with your name and that of your project.

Once you have signed in, you will receive an email giving you your access details to the registration form, where you must select which Academy or Academies you want to apply to.

All the fields are obligatory.

We are looking for the best start-ups and entrepreneurs in Latin America and Europe. That is why we are changing our model of calls to offer more opportunities during the year to join Wayra in the country you select.

Entrepreneurs from anywhere can apply for any of these places by sending in their projects, which, at the end of the registration period, will be evaluated and rated and may then pass onto the second selection phase.

An entrepreneur may opt for more than one Academy, provided that, if they are selected, they are able to fulfil all the commitments and requirements established in the Terms and Conditions of the call.

If you form part of a team of entrepreneurs and you have some innovation, business idea, solution, design or project within the digital sphere in the web or mobile environment, and whether or not you have set up a company, register it and Wayra can help you turn it into a reality.

Welcome to the 1st wayraCall 2013

Participating Academies:

Buenos Aires
São Paulo
Santiago de Chile
WAYRA is the global start-up business accelerator belonging to the  Telefónica Group. 
We believe that ideas can change the world and that good ideas lead to good businesses. We believe that innovation doesn’t only  come from offices and that a new industry can be created in any city in the world. In little over a year, WAYRA has received more  than 13,000 business proposals that feature the internet and technology as a driving force; all with the hope of transforming ideas  into realities and solving problems for millions of people, building things that do not yet exist, and improving things that have not  been done well.
WAYRA was founded with this spirit – to challenge those rules, to prove that there is talent all over the world, that it’s no longer necessary to go somewhere else to be successful, and that it’s worthwhile to stay and grow a new ecosystem of entrepreneurship in your  own country.
We are not a corporate venture. We are different. That’s why we invite you to become a part of a network where the rules are unwritten;  our aim is to detect and select innovative projects in their initial stages with major economic potential and provide them with resources and expertise to accelerate their commercial development and help them to become scalable businesses – businesses in a  growing market, with great technology and high quality people – businesses that people will want to invest in.
This is what we’ve been doing for over a year and it inspires us to achieve much more. Welcome to WAYRA.

We are not a traditional corporate venture, thus we are not looking only for projects related to mobile technology. We are looking for innovative information and communication technology (ICT) based projects in a wider sense.
Specifically we are looking for projects that:
  • are early stage start-ups or projects in their initial phase of development
  • have innovative ideas
  • use new technologies in the digital communications space
  • have high growth potential and with a global-scalable focus
  • have a solid business model
  • have the potential for a fast commercial time-to-market deployment
Please take a look at the WAYRA projects, both past and present: WAYRA Start-up Portfolio
The Team is crucial. We think that a good team is one of the essential pillars for a start-up to be successful. We are looking for founders  who are committed to their project. At WAYRA we are making a great investment in start-ups and in the environment to create  traction and acceleration. We will be committed to you, so we want you to do the same.
In order for a Start-up to take full advantage of WAYRA’s acceleration services, we ask for commitment and full dedication of the founder team (or at least the majority of it) to the Project while you are in the WAYRA space. We believe it’s essential. If you can’t commit  the time and energy we are looking for, please don’t apply – there are other deserving projects who will!
We are looking for proactive founders that challenge us. We can provide services, opportunities, a unique environment and exposure,
but at the end, it is the founder team that needs to take full advantage of those opportunities. Dedication is essential during the
acceleration period.
Thus, we require that the founders are physically present in the WAYRA space for the vast majority of the time. This way, they can be in  full contact and focus on developing their project with mentors,  external speakers and other entrepreneurs.
Our tip: do some homework. Ask other WAYRA entrepreneurs, contact mentors and WAYRA team members to get an idea of what we
are offering and what we are looking for, so you can decide if WAYRA is right for you.
If you think your project could fit into the WAYRA ecosystem, we will be waiting to welcome you!
Welcome to WAYRA!
The purpose of this call (the “Call”) is to invite qualifying entrepreneurs who are interested in accelerating their projects within WAYRA spaces around the world to apply (or “bid”), subject to these terms and conditions, for a place in the  WAYRA space.
WAYRA’s global focus is demonstrated by a network of WAYRA Spaces around  the world. Right now, WAYRA has presence in these European cities: Madrid, Barcelona, London, Dublin, Munich and Prague and these LatinAmerican cities: México, Bogotá, Caracas, Sao Paulo, Santiago, Buenos  Aires and Lima.
The spaces that are opening vacancies in this call are:
• WAYRA Barcelona
• WAYRA Bogota
• WAYRA Buenos Aires
• WAYRA Dublín
• WAYRA London
• WAYRA Madrid
• WAYRA Munich
• WAYRA Santiago
• WAYRA Sao Paulo
• WAYRA Prague (our new space in the Czech Republic)
If you are interested in applying, please read the following information. It  will guide you through the bid process
Apart from what is stated above about the type of founders and start-ups we are looking for, there are a few requirements that you need  to comply with before applying to this call:
  1. Legal age: all founders shall be of legal age according to the regulations of the country you are considering applying to.
  2. Residence permissions: founders or at least a majority of the founders team shall be fully dedicated to the start-up/project in the  WAYRA space. If you are applying to a country which is not your country of residence, you will most likely need permissions, residence or working visas for that purpose (or similar) according to the regulations of the country you are applying to. WAYRA will not  be responsible for arranging this for you.
  3. Early stage start-ups please: your project must not have had a commercial launch more than 24 months before submitting your bid.
First Phase: Receipt of bids 
Deadline: bids can be submitted from December 12th until January 20st 2013.
Form: founders must submit their bid through the online form available at Each bidder shall register and describe
their project following the instructions provided in the online form. If you have any questions about the application process, there  are contact details on the website.
Each participant may only form part of a single bid per call.
Some useful WAYRA tips:
  • If you have a Beta or Alpha of your product, show it to us! Demos may help also to understand better your product.
  • Think about if your project is at the right stage of its development to apply to WAYRA. If you are not sure, probably it´s not the right  time. Don’t worry; work on the project, there will be more opportunities during the year.
  • Take your time in completing the form. You will be able to update, modify and complete your form any time before the deadline.
  • Be creative. We love creative and different people.
  • Think carefully about which WAYRA space you are applying to. Your expansion strategy, as well as other factors, could lead you  to the right Academy to apply to.

Second Phase: Evaluation

After the close of the call, WAYRA (made up of WAYRA and Telefónica subject matters experts from different technology fields) will
assess all bids based on the following non-exhaustive criteria:
  • Innovative and disruptive nature
  • Maturity of the project
  • Business model
  • Opportunity and growth potential
  • Scalability
  • Sector/market potential
  • Team balance
  • Fit with Telefónica
Third Phase: Shorlisting
WAYRA’s evaluators may shortlist bids (”shortlisted bidders”). During this phase,  WAYRA may ask shortlisted bidders for additional information on their  project.
Also, as the team is really important for us to make a final decision, founders will be asked for face-to-face meetings with the founder team,  to evaluate your potential. With all this information, WAYRA will  contact the shortlisted bidders to announce which of them have  been selected as the projects that will make it to the final selection  phase, where they will present pitch their projects to the WAYRA Selection Panel.
Fourth Phase: WAYRA Selection Panel
The final bidders will be invited to pitch their project  to the WAYRA Selection Panel, comprised of independent and relevant members from the entrepreneurial and investor ecosystem (business  angels, venture capital practitioners, successful  entrepreneurs etc). The WAYRA Selection Panel  will select the winning projects who will enter the  WAYRA space.
Fifth Phase: signature of the WAYRA
Agreement and entry into WAYRA Space
If the WAYRA Selection Panel selects your project, huge congratulations!
There are some formalities we need to complete before you enter the WAYRA space. Before entering the WAYRA space and receiving  WAYRA’s investment, you will be required to sign the WAYRA Agreement – this agreement governs the terms of the investment and  your residence in the WAYRA space. You will have received a copy of the WAYRA Agreement as a shortlisted bidder.
In case this Agreement is not signed, you won’t be able to enter the WAYRA space, and your place will be given to other team.
What are the terms of the WAYRA Agreement?
Attached as Annex 1, is a summary of the main terms of the Agreement including the investment model. If you are a shortlisted bidder,
we recommend you obtain independent legal advice (from one of our panel law firms or elsewhere) about the terms of the WAYRA Agreement. We cannot advise you on this as we have a conflict of interests.
Once the Agreement is signed, you will enter the WAYRA space.
Good luck and we hope you can make it to this point! Hard work and real commitment will start when you enter WAYRA space.

Terms and Conditions
