A programra karrierjük közepén álló, legalább öt, de legfeljebb 20 éve dolgozó, angolul folyékonyan beszélő szakemberek jelentkezhetnek.
Jelentkezési határidő: 2015. december 2.
Applications to the Yale World Fellows program are accepted from across sectors and around the world. Each class of Fellows is a unique group: geographically balanced, and representative of a wide range of professions, talents, and perspectives. The 2016 Program will run from mid-August to mid-December. Fellows are expected to be in residence at Yale for the duration of the Program.
Now accepting applications for the 2016 Yale World Fellows Program.
Application deadline: December 2, 2015 11:59 PM EST
BE IN THE MID-CAREER STAGE Fellows are at least five, and typically not more than twenty, years into their careers, with demonstrated work accomplishments, and a clear indication of future contributions and excellence. The average age of a World Fellow is 39, though there is no minimum or maximum age limit.
BE FLUENT IN ENGLISH An excellent command of the English language is essential.
BE A CITIZEN OF A COUNTRY OTHER THAN THE UNITED STATES While dual citizens are eligible, preference is given to candidates whose work is focused outside the US.
- An established record of extraordinary achievement and integrity;
- Commitment to engagement in crucial issues and to making a difference at the national or international level;
- Promise of a future career of leadership and notable impact;
- Special capacity for critical, creative, entrepreneurial, and strategic thinking;
- Likelihood to benefit from participation in the Program and to contribute to global understanding at Yale;
- Commitment to a rigorous program of activities, to full-time residence at Yale for the entire duration of the program, and to mentoring students and speaking frequently on campus
Please note that application for admission to the Yale World Fellows Program is completely an online process. There is no application fee and there are no paper forms to complete or mail.
Prior to the deadline you are able to work on your application at any time and submit it when you are ready. After creating an account and accessing the online application you can upload materials and request your letters of recommendation.
Most questions about the Program and the application process can be answered by reviewing this website and the common questions. If your question is unanswered, you may contact staff at applicant.worldfellows@yale.edu. Please do not send multiple emails regarding one issue, and please do not email staff individually. We thank you for your patience in allowing staff adequate time to thoughtfully process your inquiries.
A taxable stipend to cover the costs of living in New Haven
A modest, furnished apartment for the duration of the Program
Medical insurance
Roundtrip travel from home country
Link: http://worldfellows.yale.edu/apply/want-be-world-fellow
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