A program mobilitási ösztöndíjakat kínál európai és brazil hallgatóknak, doktoranduszoknak, poszt-doktoroknak és kutatóknak. A mobilitás mindkét irányba, tehát Brazíliába és Európába is lehetséges, elsősorban a következő tudományterületeken: természettudományok, műszaki és mérnöki tudományok, matematika.
The program
The mobility program proposed here aims to launch the seeds of what could revolutionize the R&D system, the Brazilian students and researchers exposed to an environment of high competitiveness and entrepreneurship.
Characteristics Excellence – the best students and researchers will undertake research in the best and most relevant Universities around the World.
Industrial interest – the program is already focused in areas of strong industrial interest (see Topics and areas of interest). Such focus on industrial interest will ensure that award-holders will have strong chances of employment both in industry and in academia. CAPES and CNPq will consider proposals aimed at speci¿c themes included in the program which may be of special interest for the partner.
Open or clustered approach – either an open or clustered approach of partnership is possible. Schemes to target special areas within key institutions around the world are welcomed and may help setting up genuine and competitive research teams.
Institutional links – The clustering approach will also lead to the establishment of solid academic links between key institutions. Implementation following rigid standard.
Science in Brazil has demonstrated a significant growth in recent years. However, the country still faces major challenges ahead: (a) increase the number of PhD’s relative to population, (b) enhance the interaction between academia and both the business sector and civil society, (c) promote international collaborations in scientific publications, and (d) foster the rate of patent applications nationally and internationally.
Every highly qualified academic or research center around the globe is experiencing an intense process of internationalization, increasing its visibility and addressing the needs of today’s globalized world. Brazilian institutions need to rapidly engage in this process since several factors still hinder a more international view of the Science made in the country. The educational system, for instance, has no current actions aimed to effectively amplify the interaction of native students with other countries and cultures.
In the 1970’s and 1980’s, there was a significant number of Brazilians training abroad. Upon their return, these scientists contributed to the vigorous development of science produced in Brazil. Now, the country needs a new program to strongly encourage the internationalization of technology and innovation. The mobility program proposed here aims to launch experimentally the seeds of what could revolutionize the educational system in Brazil, exposing students to an environment of high competitiveness and entrepreneurship. Besides contributing to the correction of the above mentioned limitations, the Science without Borders Program aims to attract young investigators and internationally recognized research leaders to Brazil.
The main goal of the program is to promote the consolidation and expansion of science, technology and innovation in Brazil by means of international exchange and mobility. The strategy envisioned aims to (a) increase the presence of students, scientists and industry personnel from Brazil in international institutions of excellence, negotiating the existende of support from the private sector for the payment of the fees involved or the exemption of these fees with Universities or local governments, (b) encourage young talents and highly qualified researchers from abroad to work with local investigators in joint projects, contributing to the capacitation of human resources and promoting the return of Brazilian scientists working overseas, and (c) induce the internationalization of universities and research centers in Brazil by encouraging the establishment of international partnerships and a meaningful review of their internal procedures in order to make the interaction with foreign partners feasible.
Opportunities for individuals from abroad
Young Talents
Young researchers working abroad with very good scientific accomplishments and who have excelled both qualitatively and quantitatively in their scientific or technological career are eligible to receive funding and resources to perform a two to three year-long research project in Brazil. The host research group would also receive funds, as a bench fee. An international call for proposals will be periodically and internationally disclosed. The program anticipates the availability of funds for at least 100 young researchers per year.
Expected candidate’s profile
The scholarship program for „Young Talent Attraction” aims to attract young researchers living abroad, especially Brazilians, who have a highlighted scientific and technology production within the areas of interest to the Science Without Borders.
Priority Areas
Proposals for the Young Talent program must be focused on priority areas of the Science Without Borders Program, listed below:
- Engineering and other technological areas
- Pure and Natural Sciences
- Health and Biomedical Sciences
- Information and Communication Technologies
- Aerospace
- Pharmaceuticals
- Sustainable Agricultural Production
- Oil, Gas and Coal
- Renewable Energy
- Biotechnology
- Nanotechnology and New Materials
- Technology for prevention and mitigation of natural disasters
- Biodiversity and bioprospection
- Marine Sciences
- Minerals
- New technologies for constructive engineering
- Formation of technical personnel
The scholarship will cover the period of 12 to 36 months and the included benefits are:
- R$ 7.000,00 (seven thousand reais, about four thousand US dollars) per month for living expenses;
- Grant amounting to R$ 20.000,00 (twenty thousand reais, about eleven thousand US dollars) per year;
- Airline tickets; and
- Accommodation aid amounting R$ 7.000,00 (seven thousand reais, about four thousand US dollars).
Deadline proposals: 15th February 2012.
Submission form is available here
Only the candidate or host researcher in Brazil can submit the proposal, exclusively by the Internet, through the Online Application Form, available in the website (http:/cienciasemfronteiras.gov.br/web/csf/atracao-de-cientistas-para-0-brasil).
When the research contributor submits the proposal, its necessary to attach to the form, a file with the research project and the candidate’s Curriculum resume into platform lattes application or the summary of the candidate’s resume.
When the candidate submits himself the proposal, it must be done in three steps:
1º) Access the link http://lattes.cnpq.br/english/index.htm, click in register and fill the form to create login and password to access the submission form;
2º) Submission form is available here. Attach to the form a file with the candidate’s curriculum resume or the summary of the candidate’s resume;
3º) If pre-approved, the candidate must indicate within 90 days the host institution, as well as the research contributor in Brazil and the research project, according to the announcement.
The research proposals must be submitted exclusively by Internet, through the Online Application Form, available in the Program website (www.cienciasemfronteiras.gov.br).
For further information, please see the full document of Call, in Portuguese, available on the program website or through the contact form below.
Special Visiting Researcher
The scholarship program for „Special Visiting Researcher” aims to attract foreign researchers recognized internationally as leadership in priority areas of Science Without Borders program, to conduct projects with Brazilian research groups and visit Brazil for up to three months each year over two to three years.
The program also provides scholarships for Brazilian students to doctoral and postdoctoral keep projects in Brazil and abroad. The benefits of this fellowship include support for living expenses when the researcher is in Brazil as well funding for the local laboratory.
Priority Areas
The proposals for the Special Visiting Researcher program should be focused in the following areas:
- Engineering and other technological areas
- Pure and Natural Sciences
- Health and Biomedical Sciences
- Information and Communication Technologies
- Aerospace
- Pharmaceuticals
- Sustainable Agricultural Production
- Oil, Gas and Coal
- Renewable Energy
- Biotechnology
- Nanotechnology and New Materials
- Technology for prevention and mitigation of natural disasters
- Biodiversity and bioprospection
- Marine Sciences
- Minerals
- New technologies for constructive engineering
- Formation of technical personnel
The fellowship will cover the period from 12 to 36 months and the benefits are:
- R$ 14,000.00 (fourteen thousand reais, about seven thousand five hundred US dollars) per month for living expenses;
- Research grants in the amount of R$ 50,000.00 (fifty thousand reais, about twenty eigth thousand US dollars) per year;
- Flight tickets;
Additional scholarships can be obtained: post-doctoral scholarships in Brazil for the maintenance of the research during the absence of the visiting researcher and PhD scholarships (sandwich) abroad to Brazilian researchers to follow the visiting researcher in his country. These scholarships should be provided in the research project and requested on the application form.
The proposal to receive a Special Visiting Researcher must only be submitted by the host researcher in Brazil, exclusively by internet, through the Online Application Form available in the website. It is necessary to attach a file with the research project and the candidate’s Curriculum resume into Lattes Platform or the summary of the candidate’s resume.
Deadline proposals: 15th February 2012.
Online Application Form will be available here.
For further information, check the document of Call, in Portuguese, available on the program website.
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