Milena Jesenska Ösztöndíj európai újságírók számára, kutatási, szakmai feladatok ellátására. Az ösztöndíjasok 3 hónapot tölthetnek az IWM-nél Bécsben. Az ösztöndíj mértéke 7500 euró. Ezen túlmenően a IWM személyes irodát, internet-hozzáférést egyéb igazgatási és kutatási lehetőségeket és szolgáltatásokat biztosít ingyenesen. Utazási támogatást legfeljebb 1900 euró mértékben lehet használni. Pályázati határidő: 2013. február 15.
The Milena Jesenská Fellowship program offers European journalists time off from their professional duties in order to pursue in-depth research on a topic of their choice. Applicants are asked to relate their proposals to one of the main research fields of the IWM (for details please see
Journalists from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey are also eligible to apply.
The call is directed towards cultural journalists, with the term “cultural” being interpreted in a broad sense to encompass a wide variety of intellectual and artistic fields. However, applicants’ work may also deal with societal issues of European relevance.
Milena Jesenská Fellowships are intended as an award for excellence and are directed towards experienced journalists. Applicants must have worked in print, broadcast or online journalism for several years and must be able to provide proof of their outstanding professional record.
Applications by entry-level journalists or students will be rejected.
The fellows are invited to spend three months at the IWM in Vienna, Austria. They will receive a stipend in the amount of EUR 7,500. In addition, the IWM provides the fellows with a personal office including access to internet, administrative and research facilities as well as other services free of charge. Travel grants of up to EUR 1,900 can be paid for research trips to neighboring countries.
The application consists of the following items:
- the application form (please download from or request by fax: +43-1-313 58-60 or by e-mail:
- a concise project proposal in English (not more than 3 doublespaced pages)
- a curriculum vitae, including a list of publications
For further details please see:
Deadline for application: February 15, 2013
Please send the application by mail to:
Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM)
Fellowship Coordinator
Spittelauer Lände 3
1090 Wien
Advance copies by e-mail are accepted:
Subject header: Milena Jesenská Fellowships
Please send your application materials as PDF files.
A jury of experts will evaluate the applications and select the finalists. Applicants will be notified of the jury decision in late spring 2013. The jury is not required to publicly justify its decisions. The fellowships are supported by ERSTE Foundation, Project Syndicate and private sponsors.
- Anne Applebaum
- Writer and columnist, The Washington Post and Slate, Warsaw
- Oscar Bronner
- Publisher, Der Standard, Vienna
- Ivan Krastev
- Chair of the Board, Centre for Liberal Strategies, Sofia; IWM Permanent Fellow
- Michael Naumann
- Editor-in-Chief, Cicero Magazine, Berlin
- Knut Neumayer
- Program Director Europe, Erste Stiftung, Vienna
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