Az „Azerbaijan Youth Foundation” alapítvány nemzetközi logópályázata fiatalok számára. A verseny célja, a fiatalok számára lehetőséget biztosítani az alapítvány tevékenységeiben való részvételre és a logó megtervezésére.
Minden jelentkező maximum 3 logót küldhet be, az email címre vagy a 4, Olympic street, Baku, the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Azerbaijan Republic címre 2012. május 25-ig. A győztes speciális oklevelet kap az alapítványtól és egy „Macbook Air” laptopot.
AYF is pleased to announce a competition for youth to design the Foundation’s logo. The goal of the competition is to enable the youth to take active participation in the activities of the Foundation and in creation of its logo.
I. Purpose of the Competition
The goal of the competition is to enable the youth to take active participation in the activities of the Youth Foundation under the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Azerbaijan Republic. And in creation of its logo.
II. Organizational issues of the Competition
- The Youth Foundation under the Ministry of Youth and Sport is responsible for overall management of the Competition.
- The Foundation establishes the panel of judges in order to select the winner of the competition;
- The logo design which creatively incorporates a combination of the national colors, youth themes, modernity and development will be selected as the winner of the competition.
- All presented logo designs will become the property of AYF that will hold exclusive rights to use the awarded logo in blanks, business cards, publications and in any manner in the future.
III. Participants of the Competition
- The youth from Azerbaijan and from foreign countries can participate in the competition;
- Every participant is required to develop his/her proposed logo designs (one person can submit maximum 3 logo samples) and submit it/them electronically to to or to the address: 4, Olympic street, Baku, the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Azerbaijan Republic by 21 May, 2012, 5:00 pm.
IV. Funding issues of the Competition and Awarding the Winner of the Competition
- The Competition is implemented with the financial support of the Youth Foundation under the Ministry of Youth and Sport;
- The Jury will select the best logo design through the merit-based process and the winner will be awarded with a Special Diploma of AYF and a “MacBook Air” laptop.
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