The International Visegrad Fund—National Science Council, Taiwan Scholarship Program is a program operated jointly by the Fund and the National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan. The aim of the program is to facilitate academic exchanges by providing support to PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers from the V4 countries who intend to study or conduct research in Taiwan. Reciprocal part of the program supporting mobility of Taiwanese researchers to the V4 region is operated by the NSC.
V4 applicants—citizens of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland or Slovakia—can apply to study or conduct research at higher education institutions accredited by the government of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
Study/research length: 10 months (2 semesters); possibility to re-apply once (i.e., max. length of support is 20 months)
Eligibility and support: Prospective applicants must be citizens of one of the V4 countries (CZ, HU, PL, SK) and have very good knowledge of English or Chinese both spoken and written. The following two types of scholarships are recognized:
- PhD studies: scholars must have finished MA or equivalent and must be enrolled in the first 4 years of a full-time PhD program
- Postdoctoral research: scholars must hold a PhD degree and conduct full-time research activity in V4 countries
Scholarship amounts:
- €750/month for PhD level+ €800 one-time travel grant
- €1,000/month for postdoc level + €800 one-time travel grant
Areas of support:
- nanotechnology
- electrotechnical industry
- biotechnology
- information technology (IT)
- tourism
- social sciences and humanities
Application form:
- on-line application form
- annexes to the application form (all annexes must be submitted in English—originally issued or certified translated):
- copy of certified translation of MA or last obtained diploma
- verified confirmation of enrollment in PhD program issued by university/institution (on letterhead paper, stamped and signed by university authority)
- letter of acceptance or equivalent document form the host university/institution no older than 3 months when submitting the application
- working plan accepted by host university/institution no older than 3 months when submitting the application
- two letters of recommendation (one from the supervisor or head of research group)
Deadline: June 29, 2012 at 12:00 noon CEST (UTC+02:00)
More information:
- Rules of the program [ .PDF, 50.7 KB ]
- Lenka Bučková, Program Manager
Tel.: +421 259 203 816
Tel.: +421 259 203 816
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