Pályázatok – Pályázatfigyelő – Pályázatírás

IAA, Berlin School of Creative Leadership, MBA – ösztöndíj kreatív vezetőknek

berlin school creative leadershipA Nemzetközi Reklámszövetség (IAA) és a Berlin School of Creative Leadership együttműködése révén húszezer eurós ösztöndíjat hirdettek kreatívvezetőknek a neves német iskola március 20-án induló „MBA in Creative Leadership” programjára.

Az ösztöndíjra minimum hét évtapasztalattal rendelkező kreatívvezetők jelentkezhetnek február 10-ig. A győztes ingyen vehet részt a kurzuson, amely Berlinben hat hétig tart, ezen kívül van egy-egy hetes képzés New Yorkban, Los Angelesben, Tokióban és Sanghajban.

Az elnyerhető támogatás összege: 20 ezer euró.


The Berlin School of Creative Leadership is proud to announce the IAA Scholarship for Excellence in Communication. The scholarship winner will receive 20,000 euro in tuition support (full program tuition) for the next Berlin School Executive MBA in Creative Leadership program starting March 20th in Berlin.

Candidates must be accomplished senior creative executives from Europe with a strong professional background and track record of creative excellence. A BA degree is also required. Entries will be judged according to their overall profile as well as their EMBA thesis research proposal.

Who should apply?
Accomplished senior creative executive with a minimum of 7 years of leadership experience

Who qualifies?
Only open to IAA members in Europe.
Applicants must demonstrate a strong professional background and track record of creative excellence.
Applicants Must have a BA degree

How will applicants be judged by the selection committee?
Entries will be judged according to a candidate’s overall professional and personal profile as well as their EMBA thesis research proposal.

What are the costs?
There are no costs to apply.
The scholarship winner will receive 20,000 euro in tuition support.
Winner responsible for covering travel and accommodation costs.

When does the program start?
Program Starts March 20, 2011 in Berlin

Where does the program take place (locations)?
Berlin (3 x 2 weeks), New York (1 week) , Los Angeles (1 week), Tokyo (1 week) and Shanghai (1 week)

Recommended schedule for March 20th start date (**)
March 20 – April 2, 2011 Berlin
May 22 – June 4, 2011 Asia
July 24 – August 6, 2011 Berlin
November 6 – 19, 2011 Berlin
January 22 – February 4, 2012 USA

**The recommended schedule maps out the shortest possible time in which program module requirements can be completed after beginning the program in March 2011. If necessary, following the start module the program can be spread out over 24 months should there be scheduling conflicts with the module dates listed above

How many people are there per incoming class group?
15-20 participants

What do I have to submit in order to apply?
1.  Completed application form (Download application form here).
2.  Current CV (in English)

Where do I send my application form?
Completed applications should be emailed to:

Be sure to indicate for which scholarship you are applying.

Application deadline:
Closing date for applications is February 10th, 2010

Tel. +49 (0)30 884 980 80
