A German Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations és a More Europe kutatói ösztöndíja a Culture and Foreign Policy (Kultúra és Külpolitika) programban való részvételre. Az ösztöndíj időtartama: hat hónap. Helyszín: Brüsszeli (Belgium). Az ösztöndíjra jelentkezés részvételi feltételei: M.A. diploma, rendezvényszervezői tapasztalat, tudományos írói gyakorlat, valamint jó német és angol nyelvtudás. Az ösztöndíj mértéke: 1500 euró/hó. Pályázati határidő: 2013. szeptember 9.
ifa Research Programme „Culture and Foreign Policy”
Within the framework of ifa’s Research Programme „Culture and Foreign Policy” researchers examine current issues related to foreign cultural and educational policy. In projects of three to six months, researchers provide actors in the field of foreign cultural and educational policy with up-to-date scientific findings in a concise and precise way, they formulate recommendations for future foreign cultural policy and they initiate discussion forums and other events among experts.
The ifa (German Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations) in co-operation with More Europe currently invites to apply for the following project:
European External Cultural Policy
The establishment of the European External Action Service (EEAS) strengthened the European Union’s capacity to act externally. As far back as 2008, the EU Council decided to emphasize the importance and the role of culture in EU external relations by developing global and regional strategies. Europe should be seen as more than just an economic community, namely, a community of shared culture and values, thus creating another level of dialogue with other cultures and countries and consolidating the EU’s ‘soft power’ as well as cultural relations and exchanges.
How does EU funding of the cultural sector abroad work? Who benefits from it? Which partners (foundations, NGOs, local cultural operators) are eligible for collaboration? Who actually uses these opportunities and what is the impact of such programmes and actions? (Overview)
What are the new models of funding cultural relations and exchanges? How is the involvement of the EU and Member States shaped? How can they work together including other actors? Are there any innovative project structures that are being experienced? Who are the actors involved and how does it work?
How could these new models be communicated to prospective actors, with what effect on the EU’s image in third countries? How does this policy relate to the effort of shared cultural action among the Members States of the Union? How innovative projects and proposed models (Damien Helly’s study for example) could improve EU cultural relations with third countries and the positioning of the EU and Member States as sustainable partners?
The study will also include an overview of development, European Neighbourhood and Partnership policies and instruments affecting/covering culture and thus serving external relations policies purposes, in addition to specific funding programmes of the cultural and media sector.
Format: Conception and organisation of an international expert seminar in Brussels (February 2014), discussion paper
Duration: 6 months
Start: 1 October 2013
Location: Goethe-Institut Brussels
Deadline for applications: 9 September 2013
Remuneration: 1.500 €/month
More information: http://www.ifa.de/research-programme
Application prerequisites
- Certificate of higher education (at least M.A.)
- Proof of experience in the subject area as well as good knowledge of foreign cultural and educational policy
- Proof of experience in event organisation
- Very good skills in writing and editing scientific reports
- Very good language proficiency in German and English
The advertised scholarships are full time fellowships. The chosen candidates may not be elsewhere employed during the research project. These rules do not apply to research contracts.
Application process
In order to apply for the advertised project, the following documents must be submitted:
1. Letter of Motivation
With full personal details (including postal address, E-mail address, telephone number, mobile number)
2. Details concerning the project
- Title and subject matter
- Short statement explaining why the subject is relevant as well as proof that until now the topic has been understudied
- Short outline of your project (2 pages in length)
- Provisional structure of the assignment
- Assignment schedule and timetable that demonstrate that the planned project is achievable in the timeframe of the scholarship
- Information about relevant sources and methods
3. CV
Please submit your application electronically as one attachment (max. 3MB) by 9 September 2013 to: research(at)ifa.de
Link: IFA Kutatói ösztöndíj