DanceWEB címmel ösztöndíjat hirdet a 2013. július 10. és augusztus 14. között Bécsben (Ausztria) megrendezendő ImPulsTanz Fesztivál keretében a Jardin dEurope. A programra 22 és 30 év közötti, jó angol nyelvtudással és táncos háttérrel rendelkező fiatal táncosok és koreográfusok pályázhatnak.
Jelentkezési határidő: 2012. december 15.
The danceWEB Scholarship Programme 2013 will take place from July 10 – August 14, 2013 in the frame of ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival.
The participation in the danceWEB Scholarship Programme includes the following:
- participation in the research projects of ImPulsTanz (ProSeries & CoachingProjects)
- participation in the technique workshops of ImPulsTanz (190 workshops by 90 teachers)
- free admission to all performances of ImPulsTanz
- free access to the 300 awarded dance film videos as well as to the screenings of documentations and to the dance film productions of artists and companies who perform at ImPulsTanz
- exchange of ideas and contact with the international teachers and choreographers of ImPulsTan + special projects exclusively offered to danceWEB scholarship holders
- representation in the yearly growing, international danceWEB-database
- lecture demonstrations & talks
- free accommodation
The scholarship does not include travel and per diem expenses!
These expenses need to be covered by the participants themselves.
The application for danceWEB 2013 is an online application and requires the following:
Information about
- Personal Data
- Artistic Career (Education/Further Training/Performance activities)
Further, the following needs to be submitted through the online application:
- an Artistic Statement (English)
- 3 recommendation letters (English)
- 2 recent photos (portrait & dance photo)
- Curriculum Vitae (English)
We strongly recommend to read the „FAQ – online application” section before preparing your application material!
Selection process
An Artistic Committee of dance experts evaluates all applications and makes a first selection of applicants.
The final selection of around 60 danceWEB nominees 2013 is done by the danceWEB mentors 2013 (still to be announced).
The selected danceWEB nominees then still have to secure 1/3 of their total scholarship expenses (EUR 2.150.-), together with the help of danceWEB, through funding institutions in their home countries/countries of residence, in order to secure and finalize their participation in the danceWEB Scholarship Programme 2013.
DEADLINE for applications: December 15, 2012, noon Central European Time!
Before completing the application form, please ensure you have carefully read the information below:
WHO can apply?
Dancers and choreographers with decidedly professional ambitions from European, Eastern European and non European countries preferably between 22 and 30 years of age and a good knowledge of English. The quality of your dance background is the main criteria for participation in the Programme.
HOW to apply?
- Step 1: download the application form (pdf)
- Step 2: fill in the application form with Adobe Acrobat Reader version 8 or higher * (English)
- Step 3: fill in your personal data in the online form (English)
- upload the filled in application for
- upload the 3 letters of recommendation (English) (Allowed file formats are: doc, rtf, pdf or jpg. Max. filesize is 1MB
- upload one recent portrait and one recent dance photo (Allowed file formats are: doc, rtf, pdf or jpg. Max. filesize is 1MB.)
- upload your detailed CV (English) (Allowed file formats are: doc, rtf, pdf or jpg. Max. filesize is 1MB.)
* The application form does only work with Adobe Acrobat Reader version 8 or higher. You can download it for free >>here.
- Only one application per applicant can be considered
- Please make sure to send your application upon completion
- All fields with (*) are mandatory
Please keep the size of the documents low, otherwise we might have problems receiving them. Incomplete or late applications as well as applications via e-mail, post or fax will not be considered!
WHEN to apply?
Application deadline: December 15, 2012, noon Central European Time!
Selection process: January – February 2013
Final decision: by March 2013
Programme dates: July 10 – August 14, 2013
Participation for a shorter term is not possible and reason for exclusion!
Follow up: written report until October 31, 2013
Each scholarship within the frame of Jardin d’Europe is cofinanced by the European Union (Culture 2007-2013 programme), by Austrian funding bodies and by local funding from the home country of the nominee. This last part is not yet secured in all countries. The selected danceWEB nominees still have to secure 1/3 of their total scholarship expenses (EUR 2.150.-), together with the help of danceWEB, through funding institutions in their home countries/countries of residence, in order to secure and finalize their participation in the danceWEB Scholarship Programme 2013.
For technical advice and information on the required application material, please first read our FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS – section >>here
Should you require any further assistance, please contact the danceWEB office through email:
Hanna Bauer
Museumstraße 5/21
1070 Wien
+43 1 523 55 58-40
Apply for danceWEB 2013 through the online application form >>here