Nemzetközi himnuszszerző-versenyt hirdetett a fennállásának 80. évfordulóját ünneplő londoni Abbey Road Stúdió, ahol a Beatles slágerei mellett számos híres dallamot rögzítettek az elmúlt évtizedekben.
A stúdió, amelyet 1931-ben Edward Elgar zeneszerző Land of Hope and Glory (Remény és dicsőség földje) című hazafias szerzeményének előadásával nyitottak meg, most eredeti, még felfedezetlen szerzők kiadatlan műveit keresi.
A győztes szerzeményeket az Abbey Road egyes stúdiójában veszik majd fel – itt rögzítették korábban a Csillagok háborúja-filmek főcímzenéjét, valamint innen közvetítették 1967-ben élő műholdas adásban, amint a Beatles eljátszotta All You Need Is Love című számát.
A felvételek a London Symphony Orchestra és neves énekesek közreműködésével készülnek majd, Eric Whitacre zeneszerző, karmester vezényletével. „Korunk nagy himnuszait akarjuk megtalálni” – mondta Eric Whitacre, aki a pályamunkákat elbíráló zsűri munkájában is részt vesz, és aki szerint nincs is jobb módja egy ilyen évforduló megünneplésének, mint hogy új zene születését ösztönözzék, lehetőséget adva bárkinek a részvételre.
A szerzeményeket július 15-ig várja a stúdió, amelynek honlapján a pályázat részleteiről is tájékozódhatnak az érdeklődők.
Abbey Road Studios 80th Anniversary Anthem Competition
Welcome – We are searching for original, unsigned and undiscovered composers of all ages as part of our worldwide anthem competition in celebration of the studios 80th anniversary.
Up to ten anthems will be selected and winners will join generations of legendary composers who have recorded their work at Abbey Road Studios. The prize is a recording of their work in Abbey Road Studios, Studio One with some of the UK’s finest singers and the London Symphony Orchestra.
To enter the competition composers need to write an anthem to be performed by a choir.
An anthem is
- a celebration of a mood or emotion
- a rousing popular song that typifies or is identified with a particular culture, movement, or point of view
- a song of praise and devotion
- a sacred vocal composition with words usually from the Scriptures
The anthems should be written for a mixed choir of adults, children or a blend of both (with soloists if required).
The composition may be for a cappella choir, for choir accompanied by a specific group of musicians or for choir with a keyboard accompaniment, which would form the basis of an arrangement or orchestration appropriate for the composition; possibly solo harp through to a full symphony orchestra.
To make the competition as inclusive as possible leading arrangers will be available for the winners to help shape and orchestrate the music for the recording.
The competition is worldwide and is open to all age groups although submissions must be made in English.
Submission will be via e-mail or post, in either a legible written manuscript or presented via notation software (native file format or document), supported by an audio demo if possible.
The work must be no longer than six minutes in duration, the words must be in English and be original or available in the public domain (if not the composer would be responsible for getting permission to use the chosen lyrics from the author or author’s estate).
The anthem may have previously been written, performed or submitted for other competitions but cannot have been recorded or published for commercial use.
Eric Whitacre, Rob Mathes, George Fenton and Harry Christophers are the esteemed group of judges who will be working with us to select the winning Anthems. The renowned composer Eric Whitacre will conduct the recording – he told us:
„I can’t think of a better way to celebrate 80 years of excellence at the world’s most famous recording studios than creating new music, giving everyone the chance to participate. From Elgar to Radiohead, Abbey Road has hosted the very best. We want to find the great anthems of our time. It is an honour to be involved in the selection and to record the winning entries. I encourage all writers/composers to submit their music and inspire us.”
The competition runs from 9th March 2011 until 15th July 2011, the closing date for entries being 15th July 2011. Entries will not be accepted as eligible after midnight on this closing date.
Competition rules and full terms and conditions apply. Please download both documents for full competition information.
Click here for further details of the competition.
Closing date for entries 15th July 2011
The Anthem
- must be no longer than 6 minutes
- must be written for a mixed choir of adults, children or a blend of both (with soloists if required). The composition can be a cappella, with a specific accompaniment, or a keyboard accompaniment which would be the basis for an arrangement or orchestration
- may have been written or performed before or submitted for other competitions but not recorded or published for commercial use (if it was recorded as a document of a performance for non-commercial use, that’s fine and you could send us the recording to use for judging).
- could be based on any available English text (religious or secular). Words must be in English and must be original or available in the public domain (if not the composer would be responsible for getting permission to use the chosen lyrics from the author or author’s estate).
- could be popular or challenging with it’s style and harmonic language.
The Entrants: open to all ages
The Music:
- must be submitted in a legible format with an audio demo if possible. Music can be submitted on manuscript paper or presented via notation software (preferably native file format or as a document) by post or as an e-mail attachment. Audio demos should be sent via e-mail in MP3 format or by post as an audio CD.
- must be submitted with the accompanying entry form.
- should be sent by post to: Anthem Competition, EMI Studios, 3 Abbey Road, London, NW8 9AY UK or by e-mail to:
The Prize: will be a recording of the winning compositions at Abbey Road Studios, Studios One, conducted by Eric Whitacre with musicians from the London Symphony Orchestra and some of the UK’s finest professional singers.
Click here for terms and conditions and to download an entry pack (if you do not have the full version of Adobe Acrobat, you will need to print and either scan or post the paper form to us).
To participate you are invited to submit a legible manuscript, audio demo (where possible) and completed entry pack by post to:
Anthem Competition
Abbey Road Studios
3 Abbey Road
London NW8 9AY UK
or by e-mail to:
Only one entry will be accepted per person and this will be the first entry received by us.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and see the range of anthems we’ll be selecting to inspire you, so you can inspire us!