Alkotóházi ösztöndíjat hirdetnek művészeknek Odyssée címmel a French Cultural Centers – Historic Monuments (Francia Kulturális Központok – Történelmi Műemlékek) program keretében 2013-ra. Az ösztöndíjra a legkülönbözőbb művészeti területeken lehet pályázni, úgy mint a zene, az építészet, a képzőművészet, az iparművészet, a drámaírás, a novellaírás, a forgatókönyvírás, az animációsfilm-készítés, a fényképészet és az újságírás.
Pályázati határidő: 2012. december 3.
Bővebb információ: ,
Since 2003, the ACCR coordinates, with the support of the French Ministry of culture and communication the Odyssée artist-in-residency program. The program is aiming at artists, researchers and culture professionals from countries other than France wanting to develop projects within French Cultural Centers – Historic Monuments. More than 300 artists from over 45 different countries have taken part in the program, developing projects in different areas such as music, architecture, arts and crafts, visual arts, dramatic writing, novel writing, scriptwriting, animated film-making, photography and journalism.
The 2013 call for projects is open!
Artists, researchers and culture professionals coming from countries other than France and wanting to apply for a residency period within a Cultural Centre – Historic Monument in 2013 can send their applications to the selected Centre until December 3, 2012.
One copy of the application should be sent to the ACCR office. Applications for a residency period in the area of cultural management and networking are to be sent directly to the ACCR.
- by mail to : ACCR, Hôtel de Massa, 38 rue du Faubourg Saint Jacques, 75014 Paris, France
- by e-mail to :
You can apply for a residency period within two or more Centers. In this case, your project must be in line with the projects of all involved Centers and at least one Center must be located in France.
Applications should include:
- Curriculum vitae / short biography;
- Personal project for the residency period in line with the global project of the welcoming site;
- Cover letter;
- Recommendation letter;
- Copy of passport or national identity card.
The Odyssée artist-in-residency program allows residents whose projects have been selected by a CCR (Centre Culturel de Rencontre), member of the French network, to receive 1200€ per month and the refunding of their travel fees (up to a determined level according to the citizen’s country).
Residents are staying free of charge, within the Centre that has accepted them. Whenever possible, the Centre puts at their disposal material necessary for their residency project. The period of residency can vary between 1 and 6 months, possibly parted in several periods.
Previsional agenda:
- January 2013: Odyssée Commission deciding on the applications
- February 2013 : answers to applications
For further information, please contact:
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