Média- és videoművészek jelentkezését várják a 2011 őszén megrendezendő Facade Videofesztiválra. A 2011. szeptember 1. és 5. között Plovdivban (Bulgária) megrendezendő Facade Videofesztivál szervezői várják média- és videoművészek jelentkezését, akik szívesen mutatnák be munkájukat a fesztivál közönségének. A pályázatra 2009. január 1. után készült alkotásokkal lehet nevezni.
Pályázati határidő: 2011. május 31.
Bővebb információ:
E-mail: office@arttoday.org
Media and video artists all around the world are invited to send video for the first edition of Facade Video Festival that will be held in Plovdiv from 1th – 5th September, 2011.
Facade Video Festival is an annual video art exhibition taking video art projections into the wall of Houses in Old Town of Plovdiv, Facade Video Festival aims to create an interlock network of viewers and artists in which new forms of embodiment emerges throughout the experience of connecting art and the city. The theme is free.
ELIGIBILITY. Any author can participate with max 3 videos. Videos submitted must belong to the category of video art, have been completed on or after January 1, 2009, be in a single channel, be copyright controlled by the artist.
THE EVENT WILL BE JURIED. Jury will award the best video with for a month residency (including travel costs, 1000 Eur- allowance) in Art Today lab in 2012 for creating a site specific video art project which will be shown in façade video festival in 2012.
NOTIFICATION OF JURY RESULTS. Everyone who enters the festival can check the results uploaded on the festival’s website after 20th June, 2011.
DATE OF THE FESTIVAL. The festival is an annual event, taking place in September of each year.
All submissions should include:
ENTRY FORM. Fill up, print and sign the form for each work that you are submitting. DOWNLOAD ENTRY FORM
ARTWORK. Videos should be submitted on DVD video (pal); any other format will be rejected. The max length of videos must not surpass 15 minutes. The videos must have a quality (dimension, resolution) good for a public screening. Recommendable size is 720px X 576px. Works submitted in languages other than English must be subtitled in English.
Additional information can be sent by e-mail [ office@arttoday.org] containing a short biography of the artist (between 50 and 100 words), a short description of the work that you are submitting. Three still images of the work in jpg, and with dimension not less than 800 px X 600 px.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE. Entries must arrive at Facade Video Festival address until May 31, 2011 – 00:00.
Facade Video Festival does not take responsibility of shipment delays. Submissions that arrive after the deadline will not be considered.
SHIPPING. Submissions from outside Bulgaria should be written on the envelop: „No commercial value.” Facade Video Festival will not pay customs charges or duties for any mislabeled or incorrectly shipped submissions. Facade Video Festival is not responsible for loss or damage during shipment.
Submited works won’t be returned, and will be stored in the Festival’s archive that will be accessible for the public.
The entrant’s signature on the entry form automatically agree with the terms of the present call. It also certifies that the entrant is the legal owner of the work.
- Façade video festival
- Art Today Association
- 36 Konstantin Stoilov str.
- 4000 Plovdiv Bulgaria
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