A PLURAL+ versenyére 1-5 perces videókkal lehet pályázni migráció és sokszínűség témakörben. A fődíj 1.000 dollár valamint egy New York-i út a november 10-i díjátadóra. Korhatár: 25 év.
Határidő: 2011. július 1.
További információk: http://www.unaoc.org/pluralplus/
Jelentkezési feltételek: http://www.unaoc.org/pluralplus/submit/rules/
PLURAL+ 2011 Youth Video Festival on Migration, Diversity & Social Inclusion
Submissions for PLURAL + 2011 are now being accepted! Keep in mind that the deadline is 1 July, 2011.
Early submissions are encouraged. The entry form, as well as information on awards, guidelines and video production resources can be found at the PLURAL+ website. Building on the successes of the first two years, PLURAL+ again invites the world’s youth to submit dynamic and forward-thinking videos focusing on the issues of migration, diversity and social inclusion. PLURAL+ not only provides young people with an effective platform to express themselves globally, but also supports the role of youth as powerful and creative agents of social change. PLURAL + encourages schools, NGOs, and the business community to support the creative vision of youth in their media making efforts.
Not a Boundary, one of the winning videos from 2010 Young people between the ages of 9 and 25 are invited to submit short videos of one to five minutes in length.
The videos should express participants’ experiences and thoughts on migration, diversity, social inclusion and identity; highlighting realities as well as ideas for peaceful relations among diverse cultures and religions. PLURAL+ supports youth engagement in these important issues, both at local and global levels, by facilitating video distribution through a variety of media platforms and networks (broadcast, festivals, conferences, events, Internet, and DVD).
A prestigious international jury will select three winners in the three age categories (9-12, 13-17, 18-25).
Each winner will be invited to New York, all travel expenses paid, to present their work at PLURAL + 2011 Awards Ceremony at the Paley Center for Media on 10 November 2011.
PLURAL+ partner organizations will also award other exciting prizes and professional opportunities, including co-productions and a chance to gain international exposure by presenting the award winners’ work at film and video festivals, conferences and events around the world.
For more information, please contact: Matthew Wade, IOM New York at plural@unaoc.org
Source: http://www.unaoc.org/pluralplus/