Az Európai Bizottság segíteni kíván az európai fiataloknak, hogy elérhessék a digitális technológiák révén létrejövő legjobb munkalehetőségeket, ezért 2012. március 26–30-ig e-Skills Week (e-készségek hete) címmel figyelemfelkeltő kampányt szervez. A kampány részeként a Bizottság versenyt indít a fiatalok számára Project Passion Competition címmel.
A projektbe résztvevőként kommunikáció, újságíró és audiovizuális média szakos hallgatókat vagy friss diplomásokat várnak az egész EU-ból.
A Project Passionnel fiatalok indulhatnak el pályájukon; a kezdeményezés arra kívánja inspirálni a fiatalokat, hogy 2012. március 4-ig érdekfeszítő kommunikációt generáljanak a minden európai friss diplomást foglalkoztató legfontosabb témáról: hogyan találjanak munkát?
A részvételhez a fiataloknak bármilyen médiumon létre kell hozniuk egy alkotást, és regisztrálniuk kell a hivatalos weboldalon.
A legjobbak fizetett gyakornoki lehetőséghez jutnak a TBWA reklámügynökségnél, a Euronews televíziós hírcsatornánál vagy egy technológiai nagyvállalatnál. A győztesek ezen kívül 1000 €, a második helyezettek pedig 500 € készpénzt is kapnak.
A kategóriákról és témákról további információk itt olvashatók.
As the European e-Skills Week 2012 Campaign ramps up – backed by the European Commission ramps up across Europe – we are launching the Project Passion competition, a chance for young people to show your talent to the world and kick-start your career!
European e-Skills Week is an awareness raising campaign that is about putting the spotlight on the growing need get e-Skills and get a job. The e-Skills Week Campaign is about inspiring a generation of young people to get digital and find their first job, e-Skilled and develop your business potential, or choose a career creative and inspiring career path.
Each category winner in the Project Passion competition will receive a cash prize of €2.150, and runners’ up will win €1.000. First place prize winners will also receive an Xbox or Kinect, a Lumia smart phone from Nokia and paid internships/ shadowing opportunities in very cool companies to kick-start your career. Imagine being paid to do what you love!
All you need to enter Project Passion is excellent content in one of three categories outlined below. You need to show in a creative, innovative, quirky or humorous way how young people can find jobs through selecting technology, fuel innovation, or drive creativity.
Project Passion is open to young people between the ages of 18 and 26. Get busy creating a novel and cool campaign based on the theme of the European e-Skills 2012 campaign – e-Skills: there is a job waiting for you.
You must build a community of interest around your campaign – so invite people to ‘like’ your content or making noise about your campaign – vote for you – show us how popular your peers think your ideas are. Your popularity (or at least your campaign’s popularity) will win you a paid internship, a super cash prize and lots of the latest cool technology ‘toys’.
To enter all you have to do is create content that fits one of the three categories below and fill in the entry form here
Categories and Theme
All entries must be in one of the following three categories to qualify. Content must to be creative, demonstrate innovative use of the medium, be quirky, be humorous and or be a mash up. You are free to use any medium to create your entry: mobile devices, tablets, illustration, digital design, written content, and or social media (Twitter, Tumblr, Blogs, YouTube etc). To be eligible you must fill in the competition form on the official website:
Content may be posted onto any website or blog. You are strongly encouraged to build a community of interest demonstrating the popularity of your creative. All content will then be connected to the official e-Skills website:
1) e-Skills and me
The objective of entries in this category is to explain to an uninitiated audience what e-Skills are and how e-Skills can be developed by young people who are starting to think about their career options. Content must focus on exploring the diverse options that e-skills opens and define e-Skills in simple and easy to understand terms; so for example show how can people get e-skills or highlight examples of people making cool stuff using e-Skills. Creative must demonstrate how people can practice e-Skills and use them in their daily lives, in their search for a job, and or how they have successfully helped someone get a job. Get creative and tell us your story!
2) e-Skills: jobs of the future
The objective of entries this category is to explore the different entrepreneurial opportunities that can be opened through e-Skills. Create inspirational stories that demonstrate the blue sky world of digital jobs that awaits young people. Think about the origins of Facebook, Twitter and find European equivalents or tell us of your plans to build the next Spotify or Netflix or some other new business idea by someone you know or have heard about.
3) creative e-Skills
The objective of this category is to explore all the creative avenues that e-Skills open from art to publishing literature online or digital imagery. Your creative should show how e-skills deliver jobs in creative domains. Think about how Pixar started or a group of young artists who are working on a film or online art portal, or who may be doing some exciting creative projects. Use your imagination!
Content must fit with the overarching theme of the campaign – e-Skills: there is a job waiting for you (or a mash up of this idea)
Entry Criteria
Entrants must meet these following criteria to qualify:
- Provide a campaign plan on the entry form
- Implement the campaign (post it online on any site you choose and build a community)
- Films can be no longer than 3 minutes, and must be specifically made for Project Passion. Print contributions will have to be sent in digitally for judging (these can be posted on a blog or website of your choice)
- Music contributions can be no more than 4 minutes in duration
- All pre-produced material such as music must be approved for use or license free, or creative commons licensed
Important Dates
- Deadline for entries 4 March 2012 – midnight
- Academic judging: 5 March 2012 – 15 March
- Industry Judging: 16 March 2012 – 20 March 2012
- Notification of Winners: 20-25 March 2012
- Awards Ceremony 30 March 2012 – Copenhagen
Judging Criteria
- Entry must demonstrate innovative use of the medium
- Entry must include the theme – e-Skills: there is a job waiting for you
- Entry must meet the 3 minute film limit / 4 minute music limit if in these categories
- Entry must be created for Project Passion Competition
- Entry must include a supporting campaign plan/ strategy/execution plan
- Any entries that are deemed to be offensive or culturally insensitive are automatically disqualified
In the first round of judging by the academic judging panel, 15 finalists (5 from each category) will be selected.
The 15 finalists (5 from each category) will be provided to the Grand Jury and shown at the Opening event of the European e-Skills Week. One winner and one runner up in each category will be chosen by the Grand Jury. Winners will be presented awards event in Copenhagen. (30 March 2012)
Judging panel
Industry judging Panel |
Academic judging panel |
Winners will have an all-expenses paid trip to the event to receive their prizes and accolades from the e-Skills.
Get passionate and kick-start your career here!
Competition Enquiries:
Any questions regarding the competition should be directed to:
Natalia Kurop, Director of Communications and Marketing, DIGITALEUROPE
F. +32 2 609 53 39 >>
M. +32 487 34 05 71
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