Central European University (CEU) and the Open Society Roma Initiatives are pleased to announce scholarship opportunities for the academic year 2012/2013 for an 8-month-long intensive English language training at CEU in Budapest, Hungary. The program will run from the middle of September 2012 through to the end of May 2013.
The Roma English Language Program (RELP) aims to improve the personal development of young Roma university graduates from Central and Eastern Europe. The goal of the training is to enhance participants’ English language skills in order for them to successfully apply for the European Commission Internship for Young Roma University Graduates, the Roma Access Program at CEU, and other internship, career and educational opportunities. Furthermore, RELP works to build strong Roma youth leadership in terms of skills, knowledge, pride and commitment for the betterment of Roma communities.
The full Roma English Language Program scholarship covers tuition fee, accommodation, health insurance, travel expenses and a monthly stipend.
Application deadline: June 4, 2012
Eligibility criteria:
- We welcome applications from Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Kosovo, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey and Ukraine
- Candidates must have completed a course of university education and obtained a full degree or its equivalent by the closing date for applications
- Candidates should have a basic level of English which allows them to fill in the application form in English
- Minimum computer literacy is a requirement for participation
- Candidates must be willing to live in Budapest for the duration of the training.
Documents required:
- Application form in English – can be downloaded at www.romadecade.org/relp_2012
- Copy of university diploma and transcript. (For candidates who have completed their university studies, but who have not yet received an official degree certificate, a formal official statement from their university confirming the degree is sufficient)
- Two recommendation letters (one should be from a university professor). Accepted both in your native language or English.
- Essay (in the applicant’s native language) of approximately 1000 words, explaining the applicant’s motivation for applying for the English language training
- Europass CV. (The Europass CV template can be downloaded at: http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/documents/curriculum-vitae/templates-instructions/templates/doc.doc
Please note that all the documents listed above are required. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Applying for the Program:
Please send your application package by e-mail to: relp@ceu.hu by fax to number: 0036 1 327 3190
by post to: CEU, SEP/SPO/RELP, Nador u. 9
H-1051, Budapest, Hungary
General Inquiries
Please contact us at relp@ceu.hu for further information.
Web: www.ceu.hu
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