The Strabag Artaward International is an award for the promotion of art in the fields of painting and drawing for artists of up to 40 years of age. This award succeeds to the former Strabag Artaward, which had been awarded to Austrian artists over 13 years. PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES 2009 – 2011: AUSTRIA, HUNGARY, CZECH REPUBLIC, SLOVAKIA From 2009 to 2011 artists from four countries, Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia are eligible to take part in the Strabag Artaward International. The participating countries will be changing every three years. Austria as the home country of Strabag SE is a permanent starter.
Prize for painting and drawing for young art
Participating countries 2009-2011: AUSTRIA, HUNGARY, CZECH REPUBLIC, SLOVAKIA
- Eligible to take part in this award are artists from Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Participants must either be citizens of one of the four countries or must have had permanent residence there for at least 5 years.
- At the time, when the Artaward is presented on 30 June 2011, participants must not have had their 41st birthday.
- A precondition for taking part in this award is that the artist has a systematic, artistic education (students or graduates of art academies, colleges or universities). Self-taught artists are not eligible to take part.
- Any recourse to courts of law in connection with an application is excluded. With their participation, all participants accept the judgment of the jury.
- Every participant is a copyright holder within the meaning of Art. 10, par.1 of the Austrian Copyright Law. Even if prize-winning, the submitted works of art will remain the property of the participant. However, the participant agrees, without limitation or qualification, that in connection with the Strabag Artaward his/her works of art may be presented, photographed and displayed free-of-charge.
- Works of art submitted must not have been awarded any public prize (given away by a territorial authority) and have to be in personal property of the artist.
- The main prize of the Artaward is EUR 15,000.
- In addition, there are four runners-up prizes of EUR 5,000 each.
- After the award ceremony and the collective exhibition of all the prize-winning works, each of the five winners will get a solo exhibition at the Artlounge of the Strabag Haus in Vienna.
- Works of art of the award winners will be bought for the Strabag Artcollection.
- The nominated artists are invited to stay as artists-in-residence at the Strabag Artstudio.
Szegedi út 35-37
1135 Budapest
Contact: Sándor Pinczehelyi
Phone: +36 (70) 3846085
Ágnes Petofi
Phone: +36 (0)1/ 270-8582
ONLINE APPLICATION NOW: 17.01.- 20.02.2011
Rules of Strabag Artaward International 2011
Strabag Kunstforum
A-1220 Vienna, Donau-City-Strasse 9
Barbara Baum, Tanja Skorepa
Tel.: +43 1 22422/1848 (artaward)
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