2011. január 31-ig várják amatőr és hivatásos női fotográfusok munkáit a másodszor meghirdetett Julia Margaret Cameron Award szervezői: a Worldwide Photography Gala Awards (WPGA) a Save the Children és a ZOOM Magazin támogatásával.
Hagyományos, modern és kísérleti fotográfiák egyaránt elfogadottak, az értékeléshez egy alkotónak minimum 3 képet kell beküldenie a következő kategóriák valamelyikében:
Egyedi fotóknál:
- Portré, emberábrázolás
- Utcakép
- Akt,
- Önarckép,
- Esküvői fotó
- Gyermekfotó
- Dokumentarista fotográfia, sajtófotó
- Épület és belső tér
- Tájkép és városkép
- Természetfotó
- Művészet
- Dokumentarista fotográfia, képriport, sajtófotó
- Tájkép és városkép
- Művészet
A zsűri tagjai: Rosanna Checchi, a Zoom magazin főszerkeszője és a tavalyi év győztesei: Livia Corona és Gloriann Liu.
Nevezési díj
Egyéni képeknél: $40 az első képnél, $10 további képenként
Sorozatnál: $60 az első sorozatnál; $40 további sorozatonként
Egyéni képeknél minimum 3 képet várnak. Fotósorozatoknál egy sorozat minimum 6, maximum 12 képből állhat. Ugyanaz a kép vagy sorozat több kategóriába is beadható.
Csak online beküldött képeket fogadnak el. A beküldött kép hosszabbik oldala 1280 pixel méretű kell legyen, a rövidebb oldal nem lehet 800 pixelnél kisebb.
További információ:
Second Edition of the Julia Margaret Cameron Award
Second Edition of The Julia Margaret Cameron Award
The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards (WPGA), with the sponsorship of Save the Children and ZOOM Magazine invites women photographers worldwide to submit images to the Second Edition of The Julia Margaret Cameron Award.
The winner images will be published in ZOOM Magazine. As in other contests organized by WPGA who partner with Save the Children, sales of works in exhibitions will be donated to that humanitarian organization.
WPGA will be inviting in this occasion photographers working in all mediums, styles and schools of thought. Traditional, contemporary, avant-garde, creative and experimental works that include old and new processes, mixed techniques, and challenging personal, emotional or political statements will be welcome.
If you’re ready to submit click HERE or go to page Submit
Coordinator of the Jurors: Carol McCusker, curator of The San Diego Museum of Photography
Jurors: Rosanna Checchi, the Editor in Chief of Zoom, and the winners of the first edition of The Julia Margaret Cameron Award: Livia Corona and Gloriann Liu.
Award Director: Julio Hardy, WPGA’s Managing Director
The Julia Margaret Cameron Award is addressed to professional and non professional women photographers worldwide, who will compete together with single images and/or portfolios in the following categories:
Single Images:
Portrait, People and Figure.
Street photography
Self Portrait
Documentary and Editorial
Architecture and Interiors
Landscapes and Citiscapes
Fine Art
Documentary and Editorial
Landscape and Citiscape
Fine Art
- Super Saver Deadline: October 31st 2010, at 11:59 EST
- Early Bird Deadline: November 30th, 2010, at 11:59 EST
- Final Deadline: January 31st 2011, at 11:59 EST
- Finalists’ announcements: End of February 2011 .
- Winners’ announcement: End of March 2011
NOTE: Single images and Portfolios purchased within the Super Saver and Early Bird deadlines can be submitted at any time until the final deadline.
On or before October 31st (Super Saver deadline):
Single Images: $24 for the first 3 images; $6 each additional image.
Portfolio: $40 the first portfolio; $20 each additional portfolio
Between November 1st and November 30th (Early Bird deadline):
Single Images: $30 for the first 3 images; $8 each additional image.
Portfolio: $50 the first portfolio; $30 each additional portfolio
After November 31st until the final deadline:
Single Images: $40 for the first 3 images; $10 each additional image.
Portfolio: $60 the first portfolio; $40 each additional portfolio
In Single Image the minimum of images to be submitted is 3. Portfolios should be composed by a minimum of 6 images and a maximum of 12.
Any single image or portfolio can be submitted to more than one category, counting as an additional image or portfolio without discount.
Prepare your images as required before beginning the submission process. Submissions are only accepted via the online process. Submissions as email attachments, on CD, or prints are not allowed in this competition and will not be returned.
Digital image files must meet the following specifications:
- 8 bit JPEG files (CMYK and 16 bits files will not be uploaded)
- The largest dimension should be 1280 pixels (width or height) and no less than 800 pixels
- Resolution of 72 dpi
- JPG compression quality of 7 or 8
- Layers must be flattened
- Images will be viewed by the jurors as RGB images; therefore Adobe RGB or SRGB profiles should be used
- Image title may not exceed 40 characters. Please note that image title is the name of the artwork, not the file name. Image title is what the jurors will see when selecting the images. Example: „Sunset in Brooklyn”
- If you’re submitting a Portfolio, start the image titles with Portfolio 1 (Portfolio 2, Portfolio 3, etc, if you’re submitting more than one portfolio) and then the name (i.e. Portfolio 1_Title of image; example: Portfolio 1_Image of Brooklyn)
- File names may contain a maximum of 25 characters, not counting .jpg. The file name will not be seen by the jurors, may not include characters such as #, $, &, periods or other similar characters as part of the file, and should start with your name, then your first initial, and then the name of the file. There will be only one period in the file name, just prior to the file extension (i.e. Smith_J_filename.jpg). It’s important to follow these instructions about the file name to allow the right storage into the image data base.
The Julia Margaret Cameron Award will be given to the best photographer according to the Jurors’ team.
The first runner up will be awarded with The Julia Margaret Cameron New Talent Award.
Winners will receive a cash prize of $ 5,000 and $3,000 each, respectively, and their works will be published in Zoom Magazine during 2011.
The winners in each category will receive a diploma from The Julia Margaret Cameron Award as Outstanding Photographic Achievement in her category.
In every category Honorable mentions will be awarded at discretion of the Jurors.
All awardees, including the honorable mentions of each category will be published in the book “The Julia Margaret Cameron Award 2011″.
Awarded works will be exhibited during 2012 in a city and venue to be decided.
To Submit click HERE or go to page Submit.
Source: http://www.thegalaawards.net/
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