UNESCO-Aschberg ösztöndíj fiatal művészeknek – íróknak, irodalmároknak és vizuális művészettel foglalkozóknak 2 hónapra Indiába.
Closing Date for applications: 30th November, 2010
- Creative Writing: Drama, Novel, translation, essay, Poetry, Children’s literature
- Visual Arts: painting, new media, sculpture, handicrafts, photograpy, comics, design, installation, pottery and ceramics, art history, art media,
Origin of candidates: all regions of the world (except INDIA)
Language: English
Age: Between 25-35
Duration of residency: 2 months
Virtual Tours
Working/Living conditions:
- The centre 13 studio-apartments which are specifically designed as combined living and working quarters
- Basic technical equipmment is provided as well as workshop and conference facilities, a library, an open air auditorium, three museums and a Ceramic Centre.
- Training courses are not offered as artists will work on projects of their own choice.
- The laureate is expected to participate in educational outreach programmes for children particularly from underprivileged backgrounds.
- Open houses are organized for groups artists.
- Interaction can be organized with local artist community and traditional craft persons.
- At the end of the residency, the Laureate shall complete and sign the Evaluation Form provided by the Sanskriti Pratishthan and return it to UNESCO-Aschberg.
- He or She shall describe, among other things, the quality of the experience in terms of exchange, cultural dialogue and creativity and the artistic benefit derived from the residency. He or She shall also express an opinion about the reception afforded by the institution.
Nature of Bursary:
- Round trip ticket, board (Vegetarian meals) and lodging, as well as US$ 1000 to cover living expenses and materials
- The laureate must provide his/her own health insurance
Dates of Residency:To be fixed mutual agreement between 1st october 2011 and 31st December 2011
- Practitioners of the above-mentioned disciplines of demonstrated ability and commitment
- Minimum 5 yeras experience
- Working knowledge of English required
How to apply
Send the application form attached to the Web link directly to Sanskriti Pratishthan at the above adress, together with the following documents:
- A curriculum vitae
- A description of the project
- Press releases
- Language proficiency certificate
- A letter of application
- Two testimonials
- Visual arts: 10 slides, photographs, CD_ROM or video of recent work
- For Writers: Photocopies of writings and poems and in case of writing in other language a translation in English
Please Note:
Applicants may submit no more than one application per year and may in any event take part in the UNESCO – Ascberg Bursaries for Artists Programme once only.
The institution shall ensure that each application complies with these conditions. A list of Laureates shall be posted on the UNESCO – Ascberg website: www.unesco.org/culture/aschberg
Application to be sent at the address given below:
Coordinator Residences
Sanskriti Pratishthan
C-11, Qutab Institutional Area-110016 New Delhi- India
Tel: +(91-11)2696 3226, 2652 7077 – Fax: (+91-11) 26853383
Email: residencies@sanskritifoundation.org, opjain@sanskritifoundation.org,
Web: http://sanskritifoundation.org
More information: http://sanskritifoundation.org/residencies2009/appForm.html
Forrás: http://sanskritifoundation.org
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