Nemzetközi design pályázat már megvalósult világítástechnikai projektek díjazására és bemutatására és olyan világítástechnikai termékek bemutatására, melyek nem jelentek meg a piacon 2009 januárját megelőzően.
CLOSING DATE: 30 March 12
CELEBRATING INTERIORS + DESIGN: The WAN Lighting Awards showcase the best from within the lighting design industry.
CATEGORIES: The award has two distinct categories:
Lighting Projects: This category will be awarded to the practice that demonstrates technological expertise with design excellence, resulting in highly innovative lighting schemes that push existing boundaries. We are inviting submissions from all lighting projects completed on or after the 1 January 2009, ranging from small cafes, shops and installations, through to major retail developments, public buildings, residential projects, hotels and workplace lighting.
Lighting Products: This category is an opportunity for manufacturers and designers from around the world to compete for the internationally recognised series of WAN AWARDS. The product category will showcase cutting edge design and innovation including lamps, indoor and outdoor lighting, lighting systems, installations, lighting engineering and workplace lighting not available on the market prior to January 1, 2009.
GLOBAL EXPOSURE: Upon entering, your work will be guaranteed a permanent listing on WAN Interiors + Design, part of the world’s largest architectural resource read by more than 220,000 leading architects, developers, designers, contractors and consultants worldwide.
In addition, a gallery of entries will be published in INSIDE, our monthly roundup of the world’s best interiors and design stories as well as a ‘Special Edition’ announcing and showcasing the shortlisted and winning projects.
INTERNATIONAL JURY PANEL: Your project will be judged by a top-level international jury panel of highly influential people from the industry, providing a unique opportunity to promote your work to leading experts.
NEW! WINNERS’ PRESS KITS: Awarded, along with a certificate, this contains a list of international press contacts, a specially designed jpeg footer to denote the status of the Winner, Shortlisted or Highly Commended entries and an official press release, enabling you to quickly and easily share your success with the local and international media. Past winners have reported that the WAN AWARD’S high profile and the publicity they received have contributed noticeably to their business success.
EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION : Discount of 15% is available for entries made before February 15, 2011.
CLOSING DATE: 30 March 12
Source: WAN AWARDS 12
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