A londoni Westminster Egyetem meghirdette a 2014/2015 évi egyetemi és posztgraduális ösztöndíjait. Az ösztöndíjak között van teljes ellátást (tandíj, szállás, utazás…sbt) , csak a tandíjat biztosító ösztöndíjak illetve részképzésre is található támogatási lehetőség. Az ösztöndíjak egyrészt az Egyetem Média, Művészeti és Design Kara művészet és design, divat , TV, Film és mozgókép , újságírás és tömegtájékoztatás, zene és a fotográfia másrészt pénzügyi és üzleti szakterületeken vehetők igénybe.
Az ösztöndíj kérelmek benyújtási határideje:
- UK/EU állampolgárok számára egyetemi ösztöndíjak: 2014. április 4
- Nemzetközi és minden posztgraduális ösztöndíj: 2014 április 25
- UK/EU állampolgárok számára részképzéses ösztöndíjak: 2014 augusztus 15
- Posztgraduális ösztöndíj – 2014 október 17. – 2015 január
Bővebben érdemes végigböngészni az Egyetem ösztöndíjakról szóló.
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Az alábbiakban a sok lehetőség közül pár európai állampolgároknak szóló ösztöndíj található.
Postgraduate Scholarship
Full scholarships
Full scholarships are the most generous scholarships offered by the University of Westminster Scholarship Programme. We offer one scholarship for each type of full scholarship below unless otherwise stated. Each scholarship is therefore extremely competitive. These scholarships are for a full-time one year Masters programme onlyand include a full tuition fee award, accommodation, living allowance and flights to and from London.
Fashion Business Management Scholarship
The Fashion Business Management course continues the University’s tradition of a commitment to excellence in developing highly effective, talented and committed professional fashion graduates.
- Amount: Full tuition fee award, accommodation, living expenses and flights to and from London.
- Eligibility: you must be an international student and hold an offer for the full-time Fashion Business Management MA at the University.
- Criteria: First Class Honours degree, financial need and development potential. if you have significant and relevant industry experience you will also be given consideration.
- Deadline: 25 April 2014
Media, Arts And design Scholarship
The Faculty of Media, Arts and Design at the University of Westminster provides courses in a variety of disciplines and formats, including Art and Design, Fashion, Television, Film and Moving image, Journalism and Mass Communication, Music and Photography.
- Amount: Full tuition fee award, accommodation, living expenses and flights to and from London.
- Eligibility: you must hold an offer for a fulltime Masters degree in the Faculty of Media, Arts and Design at the University.
- Criteria: Minimum Upper Second Class Honours or above, financial need and development potential.
- Deadline: 25 April 2014
Full Tuition fee (100 Per Cent) Scholarships
Media, Arts Anddesign Fee Scholarship
The Faculty of Media, Arts and Design at the University of Westminster provides courses in a variety of disciplines and formats, including Art and Design, Fashion, Television, Film and Moving image, Journalism and Mass Communication, Music and Photography.
- Amount: Full tuition fee award.
- Eligibility: you must hold an offer for any full-time Masters degree in the Faculty of Media, Arts and Design at the University.
- Criteria: Minimum Upper Second Class Honours or above and financial need. Applicants with significant and relevant industry experience will also be given consideration.
- Deadline:25 April 2014
Writing the City Scholarship
The unique Writing the City MA course is the first to focus entirely on the city of London.
- Amount: Full tuition fee award.
- Eligibility: you must hold an offer for a full-time
- Creative Writing: Writing the City MA at the University.
- Criteria: First Class Honours degree and financial need.
- Deadline: 25 April 2014
Partial Tuition fee Scholarships
Please see individual scholarships for the specific award amount.
Photographic and Digital Media Scholarship
This scholarship has been established to assist students who wish to pursue their photographic studies at postgraduate level.
- Amount: £2,500 tuition fee award.
- Eligibility: you must hold an offer for the full-time Photojournalism MA or Photographic Studies MA.
- Criteria: Minimum Upper Second Class Honours or above and financial need.
- Deadline: 25 April 2014
Historic cinema organ Scholarship
At its Regent Street site, the University has an historic cinema organ that was refurbished in 2005-7 thanks to the support of alumni and friends, notably the then Mayor of Westminster.
We are looking for a student who is an organist and can play the organ on a regular basis to keep it in good order. The successful applicant will be expected to play at least weekly.
- Amount: £2,000 cash award, distributed in January 2015.
- Eligibility: you must hold an offer for a fulltime degree or Masters programme at the University. you must supply details of your ability and achievements as a musician.
- Criteria: Achievements as a musician and academic excellence.
- Deadline: 25 April 2014
International Undergraduate Scholarships
Full scholarships are the most generous scholarships offered by the University of Westminster Scholarship Programme. Each scholarship is therefore extremely competitive. These scholarships are for a full-time three year undergraduate programme only and cannot be extended under any circumstances. The scholarships include a full tuition fee award, accommodation, living allowance and flights to and from London. Applicants must be living overseas. if you are currently residing in the Uk, you will not be considered for these scholarships. Please note that all our full scholarship recipients will be expected to return to their home country at the end of their course. The University will not support or sponsor any extended stay in the Uk.
Partial Tuition fee Scholarships
Please see individual scholarships for the specific award amount.
Historic Cinema Organ Scholarship
- Amount: £2,000 cash award, distributed in January 2015
- Eligibility: you must hold an offer for a fulltime degree or Masters programme at the University. you must supply details of your ability and achievements as a musician.
- Criteria: Achievements as a musician and academic excellence.
- Deadline: 25 April 2014
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