- az élelmiszer és a társadalmi kapcsolatok
- az élelmiszer, a föld és a mezőgazdaság kapcsolata
- Élelmiszer és kultúra
- Élelmiszer és egészség
- 16 év feletti életkor
- a pályázó EU állampolgár, a Földközi-tenger menti országok, Norvégia vagy Svájc állampolgára kell, hogy legyen.
The Photo Contest EAT IN EUROPE 2013 represents an opportunity to reflect upon the importance of concepts like food and nutrition in general, the value of the “meal”, sustaining a fair and organic consumption in modern European societies.
The picture presented by each candidate can refer to a wide range of subject areas relating to the main theme, food. The following categories and suggestions can be taken into account as an illustrative, yet incomplete list of examples:
- FOOD AND SOCIAL RELATIONS: food as an essential element socialising processes in everyday life; the meal as a “sharing moment”, as a ritual, as an opportunity to interact and converse.
- FOOD AND FOOD WASTE: towards the development of a “critic” and fair food consumption, which is in line with the struggle against food loss, food waste and garbage overproduction.
- FOOD, LAND AND AGRICULTURE: food considered as a tool of an environmentally sustainable agriculture; the relevance of biological products, organic food and the spread of the so called “short distribution chain”.
- FOOD AND HEALTH: food as functional to a good nutrition; a deeper knowledge of healthy food habits leads to a better awareness of the most known eating disorders.
- FOOD AND CULTURE: food as an expression medium of a country’s culture, arts, history, literature, cooking traditions; discovering local tastes for a better knowledge of a country and its culture.
The main purpose of the competition is to promote an active reflection on the importance and the value of food in European societies, which are apparently highly evolved, but often have to face up to serious problems and contradictions: on the one hand, general wasting caused by the excesses of consumer society, globalization and capitalist system; on the other hand, the increase in the amount of hunger problems, such as undernourishment and malnutrition, also in those countries in which food is not usually considered as one of the issues of first importance.
Photographs can be inspired by one of the categories suggested above; they should be original, and both artistic and European in scope. There are no limits as to what the subject of the photo may be, however it must serve as a call to action for Europeans to raise awareness about this theme.
Special attention will be paid to submissions which include the photo and a COOKING RECIPE of the country of origin (it can be written in Italian or in English). The recipe is not compulsory or decisive in order to participate to the competition, however it is very appreciated (all photos and recipes coming from different European countries will be collected and published in a book by Europe Direct Firenze).
Participants have to:
- Be over 16 years of age.
- Be a resident in one of the Member States of the European Union, or one of the countries of the basin of the Mediterranean(Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Libya, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey) or the Balkansor in Norway, Icelandand Switzerland.
- Read and accept the rules and the authorization to the use of copyright.
- Fill in the application form (attachment 1, page 1) with a short explanation (maximum 150 words) in Italian or English and send it, together with the photo (and the recipe), exclusively by e-mail to imagoeuropae@comune.fi.it
- Compete with only one photo.
- Send the photo no later than 23.59of 30thof April 2013.
The participation is free and the candidates can send, beside the photo, a COOKING RECIPE of their country of origin (attachment 1 page 2).
Deadline: 23.59of 30thof April 2013
The photos have to:
- Be original and owned by the author, and not be protected by copyright; have never been awarded a prize in other photo contests.
- Respect the main theme of the competition.
- Respect the following technical criteria: „.jpg”,”.png” or „.pdf”extension; not exceeding the size of4 MBs(high resolution master copy – 300dpi in jpeg format – has to be available after the selection).
- Have a title in Italian or English.
- List the location of where the photo was taken.
The organising team will carry out a selection of a maximum of 80 photos, on compliance with points 1, 2 and 3, within 30 days from the deadline, giving information of it on the website of Europe Direct Firenze www.edfirenze.eu and publishing them on the page “EATINEUROPE – PHOTO CONTEST2013” on Facebook.
The selected photos will be evaluated by two juries:
- A technical jury formed by persons with relevant expertise in photography and communication will select a winning photo. The announcement of the winner will be on the 25th of June 2013 at 13.00.
- A popular Jury, composed by all the members of the page “EATINEUROPE – PHOTO CONTEST 2013”on Facebook, will vote the best photo using the Facebook function „Like / Mi piace.” The photo that by the 25thof June at 13:00 has received more “Likes” on Facebook will be declared the winner.
The technical jury reserves the right not to award the prize and/or to exclude the votes resulting from Facebook if not in line with the criteria of correctness, loyalty and transparency of the competition. All the competition’s phases including partial and final results will bepublished immediately on the website of Europe Direct Firenze www.edfirenze.eu.
The technical Jury will be formed by experts and qualified operators of the sector. The names of the jurors will be published on thewebsite of Europe Direct Firenze www.edfirenze.eu.
The prizes are the following:
- Prize of the Technical Jury: iPad Mini, mini computer tablet by Apple;
- Prize of the Popular Jury: iPad Mini, mini computer tablet by Apple.
The finalist photos will be published on the website of Europe Direct Firenze www.edfirenze.eu and on the page “EATINEUROPE – PHOTO CONTEST2013”of Facebook.
Further information and assistance can be obtainedby contacting Europe Direct Firenze, tel. +39.055.2302688– email imagoeuropae@comune.fi.it.
Web: http://www.edfirenze.eu/ ; http://www.facebook.com/pages/EAT-IN-EUROPE-Photo-Contest-2013/489559461091573
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