A Visegrad Fund irodalmi rezidens programja a V4 országaiban. A pályázaton a V4 országaiból írók, költők, irodalomtörténészek , kritikusok vehetnek részt. A nyertesek számára a Visegrádi Alap ösztöndíjat, az egyes vendéglátó intézmények pedig lehetőséget biztosítanak a közös munkára, szakmai találkozókra, nagyközönség előtti bemutatkozásra.
The Visegrad Literary Residency Program, established 2012 by the International Visegrad Fund, consists of a series of residency stays and literary events addressed to writers of fiction and non-fiction, poets, essayists, critics as well as literary translators, publicists and journalists from the Visegrad Countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia)
Who can apply for a scholarship?
- writers of fiction and non-fiction, poets and literary translators with at least one book publication (min. 18 years old)
- essayists, critics, publicists and journalists with at least 3 publications in quality newspapers, magazines or electronic media (min. 18 years old)
- each applicant has to fill in the online application form (in English) containing:
4. motivation letter
- each applicant may attach other documents, recommendations etc. (in English) which she/he finds important for evaluating her/his application
- Accommodation in a shared apartment in the chosen Host City (one-person rooms with washroom facilities and free internet access, shared kitchen) from 1st May to 12th June 2014 (Compact Spring Edition) or 1st September to 30thNovember 2014 (Regular Autumn Edition)
- A stipend of 1,125 EUR gross (Compact Spring Edition) or 2,250 EUR gross (Regular Autumn Edition)
- Support from the Host Institution in preparing for the stay, in organizing literary meetings, interviews and workshops as well as networking with publishers and literary critics
Criteria of selection:
- professional approach towards literary work documented by previous work
- quality and credibility of residency plans presented in the application form
- good reputation and clear record in cooperation with the International Visegrad Fund
- willingness to participate in public meetings organized by the Host Institution
- willingness to collaborate with other literary residents supported under this Program and with the Host Institution as agreed with this Institution in order to secure the V4 added value of the Program
- willingness to be present at the Host Institution and their accommodation capacities during the residency period for the purpose of implementing the Residency Project
- V4 focus of the residency plans
- Applicants must be citizens of one of the Visegrad Group states, i.e.: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland or Slovakia.
- Applicants’ previous projects supported by the International Visegrad Fund shall be finished and closed in the time of applying.
- Applicants shall be granted a Literary Residency within this Program only once in each V4 member state.
- Applicants must cover the costs of health insurance for the period of the Literary Residency by themselves.
- Call for proposals
- Contract sample
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