A Baden-Württemberg Alapítvány Walter Hallstein elnevezésű programjával pályázatot hirdet európai témájú gyakorlatok és tanulmányok támogatására. Baden- Württemberg ösztöndíj Walter Hallstein Programja kétféle lehetőséget nyújt a pályázók számára. Az Európai út 1. ösztöndíj Európai témájú tanulmányokhoz biztosít 400-800 euró/hó támogatást egyetemisták részére. Az Európai út 2. ösztöndíj Európai témájú szakmai gyakorlati támogatást (1000 euró/hó) nyújt egyetemisták és közigazgatási szakemberek számára. A jelentkezési határidő 2014. február 15.
Jelentkezési határidő: 2014. február 15.
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General conditions
The Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM Walter Hallstein Programme has two modes: On the one hand it supports particularly highly qualified university students reading Europe-related postgraduate courses at universities in Baden-Württemberg. Here the focus is particularly on students from the Masters degree courses „European Administration Management” at the University for Public Administration and Finances Ludwigsburg and „Democracy and Ruling in Europe” from the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen. Scholarships for students and administration specialists from Central and Eastern European countries are also awarded.
Level and duration of support:
Europe path 1: Scholarships for university students reading Europe-related postgraduate courses in Baden-Württemberg
- Level of support: The value of the scholarship currently ranges between EUR 400 and EUR 800 per month (minimum and maximum limits).
- Duration of support: Three to eleven months
Europe path 2: Scholarships for Europe-related internships for students and administration specialists from Central and Eastern European countries
- Level of support: The value of the scholarship is currently EUR 1,000 per month.
- Duration of support: As a rule two months; the internships are conducted mainly in the months of July, August and September.
Additional funds such as travel expenses, material costs and other allowances cannot be granted.
Particular provisions for Europe path 2
List of states
In the Walter Hallstein Programme, scholarships are particularly awarded to suitable applicants from the following countries: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Rumania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia or Ukraine
Linguistic level
The linguistic level of applicants coming to Baden-Württemberg must correspond at least to B1 of the European Framework of Reference.
Professional experience
The young administration specialists should have at least two years’ professional experience.
The following people can apply for a Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM Walter Hallstein Programme:
Europe path 1: Particularly highly qualified university students reading Europe-related postgraduate courses at universities in Baden-Württemberg
Europe path 2: University students and administration specialists from Central and Eastern European countries who are at the start of their careers
The suitable scholarship holders are selected by a committee. On the basis of these selections, the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung decides on the award of the scholarships.
The deadline for applications is 15 February each calendar year.
Applications for a Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM Walter Hallstein Programme take place via the online portal BWS-World.
You should prepare the following documents in PDF format before beginning your application:
- CV in table form
- Motivation letter
- Copies of school certificates/reports
- Certificate with grades
- Language certificate
- Letter of recommendation (for Europe path 2 only)
Link: Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM Walter Hallstein Programme
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