Notice No. 2024 – 004
We are announcing that we would like to put Embassy building’s Heating and Cooling System Renovation service out to tender as follows:
- Information
*Proposal over 87.995% of the cost estimate, ±2% of the basic cost, is valid
- The tenderer must be qualified according to either relative Hungarian law or Korean Law.
- The tenderer in the process of liquidation, merger, acquisition or is planning any of these processes, shall not participate in tendering.
- Deadline for tender submission is until July 23rd.
- Site visit
ㅇ The tenderer who submit the Required documents and qualify the criteria, will be invited.
- Presentation of tender
A. Required documents
- Application and comittment
- Copy of the business license or legal document
- Financial status
- Reference
B. Email to submit :,
4. Tendering process
A. The tenderer whose offer exceeds the lower limit of 87.995% of the estimated amount will be qualified
B. Criteria
C. Tender over 87.995% of the cost estimate, ±2% of the basic cost, is qualified. Cost estimate will be decided by drawing 4 lots out of 15 different basic cost within the range of ±2% of 100.000.000 HUF in presence of tender participants. This procedure is required for fair competition. A tender closer to the 87.995% of the cost estimate will get the better score.
- Others
A. Tenderer must fully understand the term and conditions. Any situation resulting from incomplete understanding will be the tender’s responsibility.
B. When signing the contract, △Pledge of Confidentiality △Pledge of Integrity and Transparency △Pledge of fair agreement must be completed.
C. In case there is dispute and/or conflict of interpretation, the Embassy will be authority for its interpretation.
Download document
Call for tender (2024 – 004) – Application form
※ Further inquiry
○ Embassy
– Tel : +36 (1) 462 3086
– Email :,
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