Kitchen Budapest invites artists, engineers, and other creative professionals working in the fields of new media, art&technology, interaction design, and related areas to apply to KIBU’s 2011 International Residency Program. Applications are accepted from professionals from all countries and backgrounds, presently residing outside Hungary. Residencies may last two to four months.
Application deadline for 2011: February 28th 2011.
Commencement of the first residency is 2011Q2.
1. What we offer
- An inspiring environment in downtown Budapest
- Infrastructure (workspace, computers, servers, etc.)
- Accommodation
- A project budget
- Internal workshops and community input
- Access to our international professional network
- Publicity to your work
You are not restricted at all to create only commercially viable projects, but you are welcome to do so, if you like. Rights to use/sell the projects created at KIBU are to be negotiated prior to the start of your residency.
Projects exhibited at cultural events, museums, exhibition spaces, etc., will be expected to be credited to both the creator team and KIBU.
2. What we expect
- Relevant professional experience
- Experience in working in interdisciplinary teams
- Portfolio available online
- Some level of technological skills (you have to be able to DIY quality, functioning prototypes of your ideas)
- Divergent, creative thinking
- Good command of English
- Openness to learn new things
Beyond personal skills and artistic accomplishments, we are seeking team spirit and collaboration skills, as we expect residents to integrate into our life, and all projects at our lab are produced in teams. It is the task of the researchers to raise interest within our community and get others on board for their project.
3. Applications should contain the following
- Proposal for project(s) you want to work on here. (Please note, that it will be up to you and the other researchers if your proposed project happens, it might very well be that you will have to be flexible and depart from your original ideas.) The proposal should include a brief description, visuals, approximate project budget, on max. three A4 sheets.
- Please choose some projects you see at our projects page, and send in some comments, ideas, sketches, how you would change them, make derivative works. (you can also browse through our catalogues:
- Proposal for projects you want to work on here. (please note, that it will be up to you and the other researchers if your proposed project happens, it might very well be that you have to be flexible to depart from your original ideas)
- A brief letter of motivation, where you explicitly state why you would be interested in working at KIBU
- Online portfolio
- CV
Applications should be electronic, and you should send a link pointing to your application to info at kitchenbudapest dot hu.
4. Who is eligible
This call is for applicants residing outside Hungary, for domestic applications please visit this page.
If you are a team of two, and don’t mind sharing a room, you can apply together.
If you have any questions…
If you have any questions, contact us at info at kitchenbudapest dot hu, or just comment this page.
Check out our former residents from the past three years (scroll down to the bottom of the page).
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