A Nisimazine Cannes fiatal filmkritikusokat, fotósokat és videóbloggereket keres! The sixth edition of Nisimazine Cannes will be held from the 10th till the 22nd of May 2011 in Cannes, France, during the 64th edition of this most iconic cinema event on the French Riviera ! We are currently seeking aspiring young film critics, photographers and videobloggers from Austria, Slovakia, Estonia and Hungary between the age of 18 and 30.
Candidates who are selected will be invited to attend the Cannes International Film Festival (France) in order to form an international editorial team that is motivated to make a sparkling festival coverage. The team will create daily issues of a gazette covering the festival screenings, events and encounters ! It will as always be a unique opportunity to gain practical, hands on experience in film journalism and meet colleagues from different countries.
Please read the information dossier you can find below for all the necessary information on applying for this edition. Fill out the application form (also below) and send it to nisimazine-cannes@nisimasa.com before midnight on the 1st of March.
It should barely need in introduction.. Celebrating its 64th year in 2011, Cannes is undeniably one of the biggest of European film festivals, marking an essential date on the film industry calendar. Famous worldwide mostly for its beachside location on the French Riviera, exclusive parties, and red carpet glamour, this is neverletheless an event which lives and breathes pure cinema.
20 films in the Official Competition compete for the Palme d’Or, this year awarded by a jury presided over by actor Robert de Niro (a.o. Taxi Driver, Raging Bull and The Deer Hunter). Parallel official selections include Out of Competition, Cannes Classics, and ‘Un Certain Regard‘. In addition, the Cinéfondation provides an arena for film school works.
Other independent sections not to be ignored are the Director’s Fortnight and the International Critic’s Week, which are bound to reveal their own unique discoveries this year. Meanwhile, the enormous Marché du Film is always a frenzy of business activity, networking and dealmaking…
Nisimazine will cover the 2011 festival by especially focusing on young upcoming talents and giving space to areas usually less covered by the media such as short film !
Call for participants Nisimazine Cannes 2011
Application form Nisimazine Cannes 2011
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