The Getty Conservation Institute’s (GCI) Postdoctoral Fellowship in Conservation Science is a two-year program designed to provide recent PhDs in chemistry and the physical sciences with experience in conservation science. The 2013-2015 Postdoctoral Fellow will be part of the GCI’s Collections Research group.
For detailed information on the focus of the fellowship and the history of the program, including past participants, please refer to the Getty Conservation Institute’s Web site.
General Information
The next GCI Postdoctoral Fellows will be in residence at the Getty Center for two years beginning in September 2013.
In addition to a monthly stipend prorated to the actual dates of residency, the fellow will be provided with $2000 per year towards a related study trip, an apartment in the Getty scholar housing complex, airfare to Los Angeles and health benefits.
Applications are welcome from scientists of all nationalities. Applicants should have a recent (2008 or later) PhD in chemistry or another physical science, experimental research experience, strong instrumental analysis skills, an aptitude for learning and adapting new analytical techniques, be a creative and versatile problem solver and be able to work effectively in small teams. Candidates should have an interest in the visual arts and a serious interest in pursuing a career in conservation science within the museum environment. A background in the humanities is helpful, and excellent written and oral communication skills are required.
Application Availability and Deadline
Complete application materials are now accepted online only. The next deadline for this fellowship is 6:00 p.m. PST, November 1, 2012.
Applicants will be notified of the Getty Conservation Institute’s decision in late spring 2013.
How To Apply
Applicants need to have access to a browser that allows cookies. We strongly recommend use of the the following browser versions (or later): Internet Explorer 8; Mozilla Firefox 3.6.1; Safari 5; Google Chrome 5.
Part 1:
Applicants must complete and submit an online application which includes completing an online information form, and uploading a Statement of Interest in Conservation Science, Doctoral Dissertation Abstract, Curriculum Vitae or Resume, Writing Sample, and Degree Confirmation Letter.
To Begin a New Application:
Log in and begin a new 2012 application. (New users will be prompted to create a username and password.) Note: each time you log in here you will open a new application form. To complete an application you have already begun, click on the link below.
To Continue an Application in Progress:
Log in, review your account page, and return to an application in progress.
Part 2:
Applicants must have two confidential letters of recommendation forwarded by their recommenders via e-mail ( to the Getty Foundation. The letters must be received by November 1, 2012. Recommenders should attach a scanned original letter to the e-mail (preferred) or may provide the recommendation in the body of the e-mail. In all cases, letters of recommendation must come directly from the recommender’s e-mail account, must clearly indicate the applicant’s name and „Conservation Science Fellowship” in the subject line, and must include the recommender’s name and title.
Please address inquiries to:
Attn: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Conservation Science
The Getty Foundation
1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90049-1685
Phone: (310) 440-7374
Fax (inquiries only): (310) 440-7703
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