The Conservation Guest Scholar Program at the Getty Conservation Institute supports new ideas and perspectives in the field of conservation, with an emphasis on the visual arts (including sites, buildings, objects) and the theoretical underpinnings of the field. The program provides an opportunity for professionals to pursue scholarly research in an interdisciplinary manner across traditional boundaries in areas of interest to the international conservation community.
These grants are for established conservators, scientists, and professionals who have attained distinction in conservation and allied fields. Applicants should have at least five years experience in the field of conservation and should have an established record of publications and other contributions to the field. Grants are not intended to fund research for the completion of an academic degree.
The GCI will consider proposals that require use of the GCI Science laboratories; however these are dependent upon availability of lab facilities and staff time.
Applications are welcome from researchers of all nationalities.
Conservation Guest Scholars are in residence at the Getty Center for three, six or nine consecutive months between late September 2013 and June 2014, according to the preference indicated by the applicant on their online application, and dependent upon scheduling and other issues. A monthly stipend of $3,500 is awarded, prorated to the actual dates of residency.
In addition to the stipend, the grant also includes a workstation at the Conservation Institute, research assistance, airfare to Los Angeles, an apartment in the Getty scholar housing complex, and health benefits.
Conservation Guest Scholar Grants support research to be undertaken while in residence at the Getty. Nonresidential research and travel are not supported by this grant.
Application Availability and Deadline
Complete application materials are now accepted online only. The next deadline for this grant is 6:00 p.m. PST, November 1, 2012.
Applicants will be notified of the Getty Conservation Institute’s decision in late spring 2013.
Review Process
Conservation Guest Scholar Grants are awarded on a competitive basis. Applications are reviewed by committee and evaluated by the Conservation Institute based on: an applicant’s past achievements; their qualifications to undertake the project; how the project would benefit from the resources at the Getty, including its library and collections; and how the project would contribute to the advancement of practice in the conservation field.
How To Apply
Applicants are required to complete and submit the online Getty Conservation Guest Scholar Grant application form (which includes completing an online information sheet, uploading a Project Proposal; Curriculum Vitae; Selected Bibliography, and a single optional writing sample) by 6:00 p.m. PST, November 1, 2012.
Applicants must have access to a Web browser that allows cookies. We strongly recommend use of the following browser versions (or later): Internet Explorer 8; Mozilla Firefox 3.6.1; Safari 5; Google Chrome 5.
To Begin a New Application:
Create an account and password, log in, and begin a new application.Note: Each time you log in here you will open a new application. To complete an application you have already begun, click on the link below.
Return to an Application in Progress:
Log in, review your account page, and retrieve and continue an application you have already started and saved.
Please address written inquiries to:
Attn: Conservation Guest Scholar Grants
The Getty Foundation
1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90049-1685
Phone: (310) 440-7374
Fax (inquiries only): (310) 440-7703
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