The Journalism Fellowship Programme at Oxford offers a practical form of professional assistance to established and mid-career journalists. Its purpose is to allow journalists to tackle subjects in greater depth than is possible under deadline pressure. Around 25 journalists from around the globe study in Oxford each year on Fellowships of either three, six or nine months, covering one, two or all three terms of the academic year. Fellows may join the Institute in October, January or April.
The Thomson Reuters Foundation Fellowship Programme offers fully funded Fellowships to well established mid-career journalists from throughout the world. Applicants must have a minimum of five years experience in any branch of journalism and demonstrate sufficient proficiency in English to be able to participate fully in the life of the Programme and write a research paper in English of publishable quality.
Priority will be given to journalists proposing research projects within the areas of focus of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. Details of these can be found within Research.
Other areas of research can be considered providing these are clearly related to the professional work of applicants and will lead to greater excellence in journalism.
Other Fellowships are available specifically for journalists from Russia, Eastern and Central Europe, Australia, Germany and Austria. Details of these can be found under Types of Fellowships.
Applications are also considered from journalists able to arrange their own funding (see Funding).
Fellowships may be for three, six or nine months covering one or two terms or a full academic year respectively. Dates of entry are agreed with the Head of the Fellowship Programme.
Awards may include travel expenses (including air travel economy class) and a modest living allowance. This arrangement is subject to variation.
Spouses and partners (including with dependents) are welcome but under no circumstances will the Thomson Reuters Foundation Fellowship Programme pay the travel or living costs of visiting spouses or dependents.
Fellows should note that there are three ways of funding a RISJ Journalism Fellowship:
For the Thomson Reuters Foundation, Gerda-Henkel Foundation, Wincott and Mona Megalli Fellowships, applications for funding should be submitted directly to RISJ by the deadline given on this website;
For all other fellowships, please check your eligibility; applications should be submitted to the respective organisations;
Journalists may also arrange their own funding, but they should then approach the Head of Programme in the first instance before making a formal application.
The main university website gives guideline information for the expected average living costs for graduate students living in either college accommodation or a shared house at Oxford for between 9 and 12 months a year, which will act as a useful estimate for prospective candidates for RISJ fellowship programmes. RISJ Fellows often stay in accommodation provided by the North Oxford Overseas Centre.
Fellows at the RISJ on Fellowships from Thomson Reuters Foundation, Gerda-Henkel, Mona Megalli, Wincott and Said-Asfari will receive a monthly stipend from the RISJ for their living costs during their stay in Oxford, as well as covering travel costs within reason.
Application Materials
Below is a list of the materials you will need:
- Completed application form
- A full curriculum vitae
- A personal statement outlining i) your journalistic values,ii) the major trends in the media landscape in which you work, and iii) a summary of what you think you would contribute to the Fellowship programme (no more than 500 words).
- A statement of up to 1,000 words explaining your proposed research project
- A reference from your employer, supporting your application and granting leave of absence
- A second professional reference (e.g. former employer).
Print Journalists
- Please provide three articles or reports (more than three will not be reviewed), including dates and names of the publications.
- A translation into English must accompany material published in other languages.
- Applicants in managerial or editorial positions for whom it would be difficult to send work samples should include a statement of up to 500 words describing their work.
- A video, audio-cassette or CD/DVD (maximum 10 minutes) with an example of your work, plus a brief, written description of the material. Please note that other formats cannot be accepted.
- A summary or transcription in English must accompany material in other languages.
- A statement of up to 500 words describing your work and including details of any major programmes for which you have been responsible.
Broadcast Journalists
If your first language is not English, you must supply suitable evidence (an original certificate that is not more than two years old and issued by the responsible body) that you have reached the relevant standard. Please click here for more information.
Deadline for applications
Applications for funded Fellowships in the academic year 2013-14 are now being accepted.
The deadline is Thursday 31st January 2013.
Self funded fellows may apply at any time.
If you would prefer to apply by post, please send all the relevant documents to:
The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Department of Politics and International Relations
University of Oxford
13 Norham Gardens
United Kingdom
Applications should be sent in the following format:
- All articles should be submitted on A4 size paper (shrunk/enlarged as appropriate)
- CVs, biographies and research proposals should also be A4 size, with text single-spaced and no larger than size 12.
- No paperclips or staples should be attached.
Please note that we are unable to return application materials.
Contact Us
Tel: +44 (0)1865 611 080
Fax: +44 (0)1865 611 094
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