In 2013, 40 University of Brighton international scholarships worth a reduction of £4,000 off the cost of your tuition fees for each year of your course are available to new, full-time international undergraduate and postgraduate taught-degree students.
The criteria for awarding University of Brighton international scholarships are primarily merit-based. Merit does not necessarily have to mean academic merit but could also be interpreted to include outstanding performance in a variety of spheres.
The strongest candidates will be those demonstrating a mixture of academic merit (including English language ability) and other merit or outstanding achievement in a particular field of activity.
You will also need to demonstrate that you have sufficient funds to pay the remainder of the fees.
In order to be eligible to apply for a scholarship you must be a new, full-time, international fee-status student on an undergraduate or postgraduate taught degree with a minimum course duration of 1 year. You must have applied for the course of your choice at the University of Brighton, and have been offered a place on that course for 2013 entry.
Students studying foundation degrees or undergraduate degrees at University of Brighton partner colleges or those on PG Cert/Dip courses (excluding OSAP) are not eligible for these awards. Existing international students are not eligible unless starting a new undergraduate or postgraduate programme.
How to apply
For the 2013 academic year, please email, with your applicant or UCAS number in the subject line, and we will send you a scholarship application pack.
The application form can then be returned electronically to the same email address or sent by post to the address indicated on the scholarship application form. Please note application forms will not be sent to students who do not have an offer of a full-time place with us.
Deadline for application
Requests for scholarship application forms will be considered from 1 October 2012 for 2013 entry. The final deadline for receiving scholarship applications back is 31 July 2013.
Before that date, early applications will be processed and awards made at the end of April 2013 and then the final awards will be made at the end of August. Decisions will be made by an Awards committee coordinated by the International Office, Registry, and decisions about scholarship awards will be communicated to applicants approximately two weeks after those dates.
You are advised to apply as early as possible after you have received our offer, as the number of scholarships is limited.
Please note any accompanying documentation will not be returned and the university’s Scholarship Award Committee’s decision is final.
Enquiries and advice
If you have any questions about these scholarships please contact the university’s International Office for advice.
- Tel: +44/0 1273 642409
- Email:
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