Pályázatok – Pályázatfigyelő – Pályázatírás

Visegrádi Alap ösztöndíj

Angol nyelvű nemzetközi tanulmányok mesterképzés indul október 1-jétől a Visegrádi Négyek országai négy egyetemének együttműködésében. A krakkói Jagelló, a brnói Masaryk, a besztercebányai Matej Bel és a Pécsi Tudományegyetem közös képzése során a hallgatók minden félévet az egyik partnerintézményben töltenek. A Visegrádi Alap támogatásának köszönhetően a képzés ösztöndíjas helyeket is tud biztosítani. A jelentkezés folyamatos, legkésőbb augusztus közepéig.

A képzés részletei ezeken az oldalakon találhatók:

The best candidates accepted to the programme are offered prestigious scholarships of 4,000 EUR per year.

We proudly announce that the VNDREAM – Visegrad Network for Research, Education and Academic Mobility – academic consortium led by the Jagiellonian University, Faculty of International and Political Studies has been awarded the VUSG Joint Degree Programme Grant by the International Visegrad Fund. The aim of this grant is to facilitate the implementation of the Joint Degree Programme in International Relations – Europe in the Visegrad Perspective. This is the first grant of its type awarded ever by the IVF.

We offer prestigious scholarships of EUR 4 000 per year for the best candidates admitted to the programme. Scholarships will be awarded to the candidates who will score the highest during the application procedure. Scholarships will be available for the Visegrad Group and EU Eastern Partnership nationals.

The programme will be launched on 1 October 2013. Candidates for this programme may already apply for admission!

Detailed information about the programme: curriculum, academic title, admission and scholarships are available at: and

The selection procedure for the VNDREAM Joint Degree Programme scholarships

The selection procedure for the scholarship recipients will be done jointly by the VNDREAM Consortium based on a ranking of the evaluated applications. Applications will be ranked on a scale from 0 to 100 points: academic merit of the application 40 points max, non-academic activity of the applicant related to the subject area of the programme max 20 pts., the applicant’s personal motivation to study in the programme 30 pts max., evaluation of the reference letter – max. 10 points.
Scholarships will be awarded to the candidates who will score the highest during the application procedure. Scholarships will be available for the Visegrad Group and EU Eastern Partnership nationals.

Scholarships will be available for the period of study abroad for best accepted candidates. For the V4 students there will be available
scholarships for three semesters and the EU Eastern Partnership students there will be available scholarships for four semesters.

The scholarship application form will be available shortly. The recipients of the scholarship will be notified by 16 September 2013.