Az OECD International Transport Forum (Nemzetközi Szállítmányozási Fórum) pénzdíjas pályázatot hirdet fiatal kutatók számára, a szállítmányozással kapcsolatos tanulmányok benyújtására. A díjra olyan 35 év alatti kutatók jelentkezhetnek, akik az International Transport Forum tagországainak valamelyikében folytatnak kutatást, tanulmányokat, vagy dolgoznak tanácsadó cégnél. Angol nyelvű, eredeti pályaművek benyújtásával lehet jelentkezni a felhívásra az alábbi címhez kacsolódóan: „Seamless Transport: Making Connections”.
Társszerzőség is lehetséges, ez esetben a díj megoszlik a szerzők között. A legjobb pályamunkát 5.000 eurós díjjal jutalmazzák a 2012-ben, Lipcsében megrendezésre kerülő International Transport Forum-on.
Pályázati határidő: 2012. január 27.
The International Transport Forum at the OECD provides an annual platform for Transport Ministers from around the world to meet with researchers, industry leaders and representatives of civil society and examine strategic policy issues facing the sector.
Continuing a long tradition of research on transport issues to inform the policy-making process, the International Transport Forum’s Research Centre provides high –level research input for the Transport Ministers’ annual summit organised by the Forum.
At the 2012 summit, to be held in Leipzig (Germany) from 2-4 May 2012, the International Transport Forum will again present its “Young Researcher of the Year Award” to recognise a young researcher, or researchers, who submit(s) the best research paper on the theme of the annual summit. For 2012, the theme is “Seamless Transport: Making Connections”.
The winner of the 2011 Young Researcher Award was Jonn Axsen (University of California at Davis, USA), for his paper on “Interpersonal influence in car buyers’ social networks”. Hossam Abdelgawad from Toronto University (Canada) won the Award in 2010 and Jérôme Verny from the Rouen School of Management and INRETS (France) won the 2009 Award.
The principal aim of the International Transport Forum’s Young Researcher of the Year Award is to highlight the crucial importance of transport research for sound transport policy formulation and implementation, and to foster closer links between transport policy and research.
The award is designed to encourage and reward creative reflection and analysis on the part of young researchers, currently investigating the major contribution of transport to the well-being of our societies and their proper functioning. The International Transport Forum’s 2012 Annual Summit will focus on connectivity. More seamless linkages between transport systems, networks, users and infrastructure can improve the efficiency, sustainability, accessibility, safety and security of transport, with important benefits for mobility and trade.
The Award is open to researchers under 35 years of age who have undertaken their research in an institution, university or consultancy firm located in a member country* of the International Transport Forum. The researcher must be the main author of the paper. Co-authorship is possible, in which case the award will be shared among the main authors, of whom all must be under 35 years old.
Specifically, the research paper may analyse any aspect of the essential role connectivity plays in transport activity. All aspects of connectivity in transport are relevant to the topic of the 2012 Summit:
- Connecting systems – Implementing advanced technologies and new practices to make seamless linkages between modes, and improve information sharing among operators and users.
- Connecting people – Improving urban and inter-urban mobility, making transport more accessible, optimising active transport, implementing electronic ticketing and information-sharing, and increasing the flow through passenger terminals.
- Connecting markets – Smoothing end-to-end journeys, integrating supply chains, improving border crossings and harmonising standards.
- Connecting sectors – Better integrating transport with energy, finance, urban planning, tourism and other areas.
- Connecting ideas – Integrating new technologies and thinking into transport, including the wireless revolution, social networking, Intelligent Transport Systems, and new approaches to financing and management.
The research paper should treat one of these aspects and must show clear links with the general theme of the 2012 summit, Seamless Transport: Making Connections” and:
- extract and develop policy issues from the analysis,
- propose advances in the current state of knowledge in the domain,
- be methodologically rigorous;
- demonstrate strong economic understanding and analysis, though the analysis may be of an engineering, planning, historical or sociological nature;
- be written in such a way that the essence of the analysis and its policy relevance are accessible not only to researchers but also to policy-makers (implying that formal analysis should be accompanied by a clear explanation of its purpose and results);
- be written in either of the two official languages (French or English);
- be recent (working papers as well as articles published or accepted for publication in academic journals in 2010 or 2011 are welcome);
- not exceed 25 pages (single spacing), excluding references and annexes.
Candidates for the prize should send in the completed application form, including a brief summary in English of the paper (maximum 200 words) and the complete paper by email to the International Transport Forum at the OECD, ( ) with copy to ( ), by 27 January 2012 at the latest. Where appropriate, include a letter, signed by the director of the young researcher’s institution or organisation, confirming the young researcher is the main author of the paper and approving the submission.
Submissions will be examined by an international panel of experts from the transport and transport economics research sectors, under the aegis of the International Transport Forum’s Research Centre. The jury will include representatives from the Joint Transport Research Committee.
A prize of EUR 5 000 will be awarded. An official award ceremony, attended by Transport Ministers of Forum Member countries, will be held in Leipzig during the 2012 summit. Honorary merit awards may also be presented.
For an application form and further details, please contact: Michel Violland, Economist, International Transport Forum. Postal address: 2 rue André Pascal, F-75775 Paris Cedex 16, Tel. + 33 (0)1 45 24 87 13 Fax. + 33 (0)1 45 24 97 42
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