Az Európai Bizottság megjelentette az Európai Visszatérési Alap 2011-es pályázati felhívását. A pályázatok beadási határideje: 2012. április 27. 14.00 C.E.T.
Priorities and eligible actions:
- Category 1 Ensuring sustainability for vulnerable or disadvantaged people after the return
- Category 2 Monitoring of joint forced return operations
- Category 3 Safe and sustainable return of minors
DISTRIBUTION OF RESOURCES: For each of the categories of actions, the amount of grant per project will not exceed 90% of the total eligible costs.
Category of Community actions as defined in section 1.2 | Indicative Minimum EU funding per project
Category 1 (Ensuring sustainability for vulnerable or disadvantaged people after the return)
Minimum: €100.000
Maximum 18 months
Category 2 (Monitoring of forced return operations)
Minimum: €100.000
Maximum 18 months
Category 3 (Safe and sustainable return of minors)
Minimum: €100.000
Maximum 18 months
This call for proposals is addressed to:
- public authorities from the 26 Member States participating in the Fund1;
- International Organisations, EU Agencies, private bodies and Non-Governmental
Organisations registered in the 26 Member States mentioned above, provided that they all work on a strictly non-profit basis and have proven experience and expertise in the fields covered.
Proposals must be submitted by an entity from one Member State together with at least one partner entity from a different Member State.
Attention has to be paid to ensure optimal synergy with programmes carried out at the EU and national level by the EU Agencies, the Member States and international organisations. This will require effective information sharing about the activities so that the necessary contacts and connections can be made.
In case of co-funding of an activity by both the national programme(s) and the Community actions, a clear division has to be established in order to avoid doublefunding.
Under no circumstances can a project be financed by both national programmes and Community actions.
The grant shall normally be paid under the following conditions:
- Pre-financing, representing 75% of the amount of the grant awarded upon signature of the grant agreement by the last of the parties;
- The balance upon receipt and approval by the Commission of the final technical and financial implementation reports, together with a request for payment, accompanied by an external audit certificate
- Call for proposals „Community Actions” 2011
- Guide for applicants
- Logframe
- Cost claim form
- User guide financial module
- Declaration by associated partners
- Declaration by co-financing third parties
- Declaration by partners
- Model grant agreement mono-beneficiary
- Model grant agreement multi-beneficiary
- Model audit certificate
- Priamos FAQ
Deadline for submitting applications: Applications have to be submitted electronically via the Priamos system by 27 April 2012
The Priamos system will not accept any application after the deadline. Applications submitted after the deadline will be automatically rejected.
Where to find the necessary information
The page on Funding possibilities of the website of Directorate-General Home Affairs is updated whenever relevant information becomes available, therefore, applicants are advised to check it regularly:
Contact at the European Commission
The Commission service responsible for implementing the European Return Fund is Unit C-4 of Directorate General Home Affairs – HOME.
Contact :
European Commission
LX 46 8/101,
BE-1049 Brussels.
Fax (32.2) 297 9590 – e-mail:
All applicants will be informed of the Commission’s decision concerning their grant application as soon as possible. It is envisaged that the Commission will complete its selection procedures in the second quarter of 2012.
It should be noted that in the interest of equal treatment of applicants, the Commission cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility of an applicant, a partner, an action or a specific activity.