Elkezdődött a felkészülés az 2016-os Ozora fesztiválra, amely az idén is meghirdeti nemzetközi művészeti pályázatát.
Az Ozora fesztivál témája: Gyökerek
A jelentkezési határidő: 2016 május 1.
A pályázatra több alkotással lehet jelentkezni. Minden esetben figyelembe kell venni az anyaghasználatnál az újrahasznosítást, ami a része a fesztivált átfogó ideológiának.
Bővebb információ: art@ozorafestival.eu
Application deadline: 1st May 2016
Our mission is to continue expanding the space for highlighting and spreading visionary messages not only through music, but art as well, so that we can beautify, enlighten, delight, heighten and serve the visual and artistic-cultural experience of the festival and our overall community.
The Theme for 2016 – Roots
Roots are metaphors for our past, branching into our present and future, embedded in the fertile soil of our individual and cultural backgrounds. Roots are metaphors for connectedness, a network of connections that bond us with each other, into families and communities, cultures, humanity and the universe and existence itself. Roots are metaphors for all fundamental sources of life, carrying all knowledge, energy and the power of creation.
When we are in touch with our roots, we transcend ourselves, the ego dissolves, the mind expands, we become one with something much grander. This is an instinctive need that lies at the heart of our very being. It is present in every culture. It is the root of us all.
You can find the application form here.
Please fill it out with extra care! DEADLINE: 1st May 2016.
While there is no limit to the number of artworks, they will be chosen through a several-round selection process. Please keep in mind that recycling and so the use of materials found on site are part of the festival’s overall ideology. If you can also keep moderate prices, we can have the opportunity to build a more colorful, varied and exciting art experience with more artworks. Check out the categories, ranging from canvas art through installation and UV/lumino art to landart. Find the one your creation best fulfills to take the festival’s art scene to the next level. Share! Take part! Get involved!!!
If you have any questions, please contact art@ozorafestival.eu
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