A Goi Béke Alapítvány az idén is kiírta a fiataloknak szóló nemzetközi esszépályázatát, ahol az írásoknak ajobb jövő, a béke és a fenntartható fejlődés érdekében a mai, bennünket körülvevő kulturális-, természeti örökség felhasználásáról kell szólniuk. Pályázni maximum 700 szavas, nyomtatott vagy gépelt fogalmazással angol, német, spanyol vagy francia nyelven (japán nyelven 1600 karakter) lehet. A pályázatra a 2013. június 30-ig a 26. életévüket nem betöltött fiatalok jelentkezhetnek.
A pályázatok beküldésének határideje: 2013. június 30.
- 1. díj: oklevél és 100.000 japán yen (kb 250.000 Ft), valamint részvétel a novemberi hivatalos díjátadó ünnepségen, Tokióban.
- 2. díj: oklevél és 50.000 japán yen (kb 125.000 Ft)
- 3. díj oklevél és ajándékcsomag
- különdíj oklevél és ajándékcsomag
A tokiói utazás költségeit a szervezők vállalják.
As today’s young people are crucial for the shaping of our future, it is imperative that they are enabled to develop to their full potential. UNESCO’s objective is to help empower young people, reaching out to them, responding to their expectations and ideas, and fostering useful and long-lasting skills.
This annual essay contest is organized in an effort to harness the energy, imagination and initiative of the world’s youth in promoting a culture of peace and sustainable development. It also aims to inspire society to learn from the young minds and to think about how each of us can make a difference in the world.
THEME: „The Power of Culture to Create a Better Future”
Every part of the world has its own culture. Culture includes the arts, traditions and customs of a country or region, as well as the wisdom, values, lifestyles and trends of the people living there. In order to build a peaceful world, we need to acknowledge and respect each other’s cultures. What aspects of the culture in your country or region do you take pride in, and how can youth make the most of them to create a better future?
Essays may be submitted by anyone up to 25 years old (as of June 30, 2013) in one of the following age categories:
- Children (ages up to 14)
- Youth (ages 15 – 25)
Essays must be 700 words or less in English, French, Spanish or German; or 1600 characters or less in Japanese, typed or printed.
3. Essays must have a cover page indicating (1) category (Children or Youth) (2) essay title (3) your name (4) address (5) phone number (6) e-mail (7) nationality (8) age as of June 30, 2013 (9) gender (10) school name (if applicable) (11) word count.
Teachers and youth directors may submit a collection of essays from their class or group. Please enclose a list of participants’ names and the name and contact information of the submitting teacher or director.
* Entries missing any of the above information will not be considered.
Entries may be submitted by postal mail or online.
* IMPORTANT: To send your essay online, you must go to the online registration page and follow the required steps.
Essays must be original and unpublished.
Essays must be written by one person. Co-authored essays are not accepted.
Copyright of the essays entered will be assigned to the organizers.
DEADLINE: Entries must be received by June 30, 2013.
AWARD: The following awards will be given in the Children’s category and Youth category respectively:
- 1st Prize: Certificate and prize of 100,000 Yen (approx. US$1,140 as of January 2013) … 1 entrant
- 2nd Prize: Certificate and prize of 50,000 Yen (approx. US$570 as of January 2013) … 2 entrants
- 3rd Prize: Certificate and gift … 5 entrants
- Honorable Mention: Certificate and gif … 25 entrants
* 1st prize winners will be invited to the award ceremony in Tokyo, Japan scheduled for November 2013. (Travel expenses will be covered by the organizers.)
* Additional awards (Recognition for Effort, Best School Award, School Incentive Award) will be given if applicable.
* All prize winners will be announced in November 2013 on the Goi Peace Foundation web site (www.goipeace.or.jp) and UNESCO web site (www.unesco.org/youth). Certificates and gifts will be mailed to the winners in December.
International Essay Contest
c/o The Goi Peace Foundation
1-4-5 Hirakawacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0093 Japan
OR send online.
* For inquires, please contact essay@goipeace.or.jp
Web: http://www.goipeace.or.jp/english/activities/programs/1301.html
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