A Roma Kezdeményezések Hivatala (Roma Initiatives Office) 5 hónapos gyakornoki lehetőséget kínál, fiatal roma diplomások számára az Európai Bizottság brüsszeli intézményébe. A brüsszeli gyakornoki időt követően, a gyakornokok 80 órás önkéntes munkát végeznek majd roma ügyekkel foglalkozó civil társadalmi szervezeteknél. A gyakornoki időszak alatt a gyakornoki támogatás fedezi az utazás, a brüsszeli szállás, a napi megélhetés, az egészségügyi és baleset biztosítás költségeit. Jelentkezési határidő: 2013 november 22.
The Roma Initiatives Office is offering five, five-month internships with the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium, for young Roma university graduates from selected European countries.
The internships involve work experience in one of the Commission’s Directorates-General.
Following their training period in Brussels, interns are expected to complete 80 hours of voluntary work with civil society organizations working on Roma issues in their home countries.
Candidates should be nationals of Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Spain who are of Roma origin and who wish to acquire practical experience and knowledge of the activities of the European Commission.
Other requirements:
- A bachelor’s degree or the equivalent, earned by the application deadline.
- Very good knowledge of English and the ability to draft reports in English. Knowledge of other languages is considered an asset.
- Basic computer literacy.
- The maximum age for interns is 25. The Selection Committee, however, may make exceptions to this age limit.
- Women are especially encouraged to apply.
- Applications from candidates with proven civil society experience are especially welcome.
The internship program is open to candidates who have not yet benefited from in-service training in another European institution or body.
Please see the full guidelines, attached at left, for more information about eligibility.
The basic aims of the internship program are to:
- Provide young Roma graduates with general knowledge about the objectives and problems of European integration;
- Provide them with practical knowledge about the work of the Commission’s Directorates-General;
- Enable them to acquire personal experience and establish contacts in the course of their everyday work;
- Enable them to enrich and put into practice the knowledge they have acquired during their studies or professional careers.
Submit your application by November 22, 2013, to ec.internship@opensocietyfoundations.org.
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