A Nisi Masa Sweden pályázatot hirdet 18 és 30 év közötti fiatal filmrendezők, operatőrök és vágók számára. A pályázat témája a malmöi BUFF nemzetközi gyermek és ifjúsági filmes fesztivál alatt megrendezendő öt napos workshopon való részvétel.
A szervezők 10 külföldi pályázót választanak majd ki, akik együtt dolgozhatnak svéd kollégáikkal.
Jelentkezési határidő: Január 14.
Young Pictures From Malmö
Film workshop during BUFF Film Festival Malmö, Sweden 13-19 march 2011
Application deadline 14th January!
Nisi Masa Sweden is organising a five day film workshop on the theme „Youth film” during BUFF – the International Children and Young People’s Film Festival in Malmö.
The concept of the workshop is to invite ten filmmakers from different countries as well as five filmmakers from Malmö, who together form five teams. These teams will make one short film each during five days in Malmö.
We are looking for five directors who apply with a short film idea aimed at a target audience between 13 & 15 years old. We are also looking for five DOP:s and five editors.
The scripts will be developed through internet communication with a script tutor and together with the team. The script has to be ready when participants arrive on the 13th of March.
During the filmmaking process a tutor will be with the teams for support and advises.
Casting will be made by Nisi Masa Sweden in accordance with each team’s requirements before participants arrive in Malmö. The cast can not be changed after arrival.
The films will be made in Swedish to make it easier for the young actors, each team will have a Swedish participant who can function as translator. There might be a possibility to cast bilingual actors for some languages if that is wanted in any of the films.
The workshop is a collaboration between Nisi Masa Sweden, Buff Film Festival, Filmcentum Syd, Malmö Högskola & Film i Skåne.
Who can apply? Anyone between 18 & 30 years old can apply but some respect might be paid to the costs of travel as there is a limited budget. (Visa costs will not be covered)
Practical details
You apply either as director with a short film idea, as DOP or as editor/sound. Participants will be put in teams of three, where one person is a Malmö resident who speaks Swedish.
The workshop begins on Sunday evening with dinner and introduction. Then follows two days of shooting, the first shooting day will start with individual guidance for each team by the tutor. The three last days are reserved for editing. We will finish the workshop on Saturday with a screening and seminar at Victoria – one of the most beautiful festival cinemas!
Each team will be equipped with an HD camera and editing will be done in Final Cut Pro.
There is a participating fee of 50 Euros which includes travel costs and lunch/dinner on Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We will arrange for participants to stay in someone’s home during the workshop.
IMPORTANT: After having been selected for the workshop you will be asked to sign a distribution contract which in short means that all distribution rights will be given to Nisi Masa Sweden. This is to ensure that we will be able to make a dvd of all the films and distribute it to schools, libraries and festivals. Any awards that might be given to a film will still be attributed to the filmmakers. The contract will be available for download shortly and it is advised that you read it before sending your application.
- 14 January Application deadline.
- 24 January Announcement of selected participants and division of teams
- 7 February First report of teams’ planning process and first script draft to be emailed to tutor. Requests concerning casting to be made.
- 7 March Revised script and storyboard to be emailed to tutor.
- 11 March Deadline for emailing shooting schedule.
- 13 March Arrival in Malmö
- 19 March Public screening of the films
Fill out the application form below and send it back to contact@nisimasa.se before January 14th.
Application Form Young Pictures From Malmo.doc
Call for Participants Young Pictures From Malmo.pdf
Forrás: https://sites.google.com/a/nisimasa.se/young-pictures-from-malmo/ ; http://magyar.film.hu/
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