Utopia Parkway, a project launched by EXP.edition in collaboration with Interventionsraum e.V., offers one-day to six-weeks residencies to visionaries of all fields between February 15 and March 26, 2011.
Application deadline (exclusively via hotline) is February 11, 2011!!!!. Utopia Parkway is an instant artist residency in the very heart of Stuttgart, South Germany. Located in the city center’s art district in a resource rich 12.000 sqm space including ten stores, window displays and a passage, the site offers great possibilities for a wide range of experimental formats and artistic practices.
Within Utopia Parkway we offer working and exhibition spaces, where visionaries of all fields can work on and present their projects. Residencies can range from one day to a maximum of six weeks but will ultimately end with the reconstruction works of the entire building complex starting March 31, 2011.
Application procedure:
Residents will be selected through an open call. All applications must be submitted via our telephone hotline +49 711 50 62 39 83. Complete applications include the following information:
- contact information (name and email address for further correspondence)
- a detailed project description, including full description of space, material, and time needed
- a statement on your motivation to participate in this residency project
You may apply as individuals or a group. Travel costs will not be covered by the organization, however we can offer accommodation at the artist-run Performance Hotel on site. Applicants should not feel discouraged by the spontaneity of this open call, but nevertheless take into account the aspect of the limited period of time when submitting suitable projects.
We wish Utopia Parkway to become an open environment and welcome both participants and visitors to contribute their creativity and artistic initiatives to the project. The residency is a period of concentrated experimentation. Its initial point is the temporary occupation of city space by curious residents and its emerging artistic transformation into a vivid cultural environment. The ideal resident will both contribute to and benefit from the shared environment at Utopia Parkway.
Utopia Parkway is a project initiated by EXP.edition that transforms empty urban space into a temporary zone for artistic expression. Together with the non-profit gallery Interventionsraum e. V., EXP.edition revives an empty building complex in the city center and instigates artistic interventions and interdisciplinary exchanges.
We would like to encourage practices beyond white-cube-formats and furthermore invite all participants to make use of the urban space around the site.
We are looking forward to your calls!
+49 711 50 62 39 83
(Applications will be recorded and parts may be published on the website of EXP.edition. Names and other personal data will of course be kept anonymous and treated as strictly confidential.)
Ueber diese Seite
- Utopia Parkway – Residency
- Kontakt: info@exp-edition.com
Source: http://www.exp-edition.com/
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