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STEP Beyond Travel Grants – utazási támogatás művészeknek és kulturális területen dolgozók számára

STEP Beyond Travel Grants – utazási támogatés 35 év alatti vagy pályafutásának első 10 évében lévő művészek és kulturális területen dolgozó szakemberek számára. A támogatások lehívása nem határidőhöz kötött.
STEP Beyond Travel Grant funds emerging artists and cultural workers to explore and to exchange views, skills and inspiration.

STEP Beyond Travel grants fund up-and-coming artists and cultural workers – with a priority to individuals up to 35 years and/or in the first 10 years of their career – to travel between EU and countries bordering the EU.

Since 2003, STEP  – which stands for ‘Supporting Travel for European Partnerships’ – Beyond Travel Grants have supported the movement of hundreds of people across European borders.

Apply through our STEP Beyond Lab

We have a new online tool to apply for the ECF STEP Beyond grant. The STEP Beyond Lab makes applying easy and it also brings you closer to others applying. The Lab is an online community – sharing project ideas and stories. There is no deadline for this grant scheme, it operates on a rolling basis, so you can apply at any time. The selection process takes up to one month. Check if your travel plans are eligible and join.

Supported by STEP Beyond Travel Grants

Papergirl is an art project from Berlin initiated by Aisha Ronniger. The art project is taking place in various cities across Europe including Istanbul, Manchester, Glasgow and Bristol. In the style of American paper-boys, rolls of art are being distributed by bicycle to random passers-by on the streets –  giving free art away and involving different communities in experiencing art.

There is no deadline for this grant scheme, so you can apply at any time but at least one month before your planned travel. The selection process takes up to one month.

STEP Beyond Travel Grants from/to the countries of South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia) and Turkey are jointly funded with the Open Society Foundation (OSF).

Web: STEP Beyond Travel Grants ; STEP Beyond