A Vienna International Photo Awards (VIPA) 2013 a világ minden részéről várja elsősorban, (de nem kizárólagosan) dokumentarista jellegű fotókat és fotóriportok a szociális, kulturális, politikai és környezethasználat témakörökben. A pályázaton való részvétel díja 35 euró. Pályázhatnak professzionális és amatőr fotósok (diákok is) egyaránt. A díjazottak 4000; 3000 és 2000 euróban részesülnek. Leadási határidő: 2013 április 30.
The Vienna International Photo Awards, or VIPA for short, mission is to draw more attention to documentary photography in Austria and worldwide. Ever since we have established the first edition, VIPA has become one of the leading documentary photography contests. We wanted VIPA to be different as we focus on a niche between press and art photography that is often lost sight of. The uniqueness of documentary photography lies in its rendering of a wide variety of themes, its distinct image characteristics and the plurality of perceptions in a way not found in press photography or art photography.
Moreover, it is our strong belief that every photograph is a personal message about humanity. Each photographer perceives the reality and brings forward the human essence sharing his vision of the world through his work. We aim to salute the achievements of the world’s finest photographers, to discover new and emerging talents, and to promote and enhance contemporary photography in Austria and all over the world.
For VIPA 2013, we have 3 submission categories:
- Professional = Prize of 4.000 EUR
- Amateur = Prize of 3.000 EUR
- Smartphone = Prize of 2.000 EUR
Besides the total value of 9.000 EUR in money prizes the short-listed winners will be able to take part in a group exhibition in Vienna as well as in the publication of VIPA’s official catalogue. The awards ceremony, the presentation of the official catalogue as well the opening of the group exhibition will be held during the last quarter 2013 in Vienna.
Participants chose the theme of their photo series submission.
The competition will be judged by a board of highly esteemed photo editors, curators, art directors and other luminaries from the international photography community.
Qualification: The competition is open for professional, amateur and student photographers from any country. Applicants must be 18 years old or over.
Entry Fees: Participants will be charged 35 euros for entering the competition (1 to 5 images). Payment can be made online by Paypal. Submissions are non-refundable. Entry fees are required to cover venue hire, catalogues, printing and organization of the event.
Submissions must be based on a body of work and entries will consist of whole or partial photos series. Photographs can be in black and white or in color, in any format. Only digital files are accepted. Do not send original prints. All digital images should be provided as jpgs only, 72 dpi, image width not to exceed 1024 pixels on the longest side.
Date of completion: Photographs submitted must have been completed or first published during the last five past years. (2008)
Theme: There is no specific theme, only documentary photography. The submitted pictures have to focus on documentary photo-reportages such as social, cultural, political or environmental issues.
Files should be titled as follows: surname.firstname.01.jpg
For example: Name: Jacques Borgetto / Images to submit: 2
Rename as: borgetto.jacques.01.jpg
Participants warrant that, if their work is selected for exhibition, they are solely responsible for verifying that their submitted photographs will not violate or infringe the rights of any third person or party. The shortlist winners will be contacted by e-mail by the organizer during summer 2013.
Submission Deadline : 30th April, 2013
Use Rights: Entrants whose submissions are accepted for exhibition grant VIPA the right to use their images for the purpose of marketing the exhibition, marketing related programs, and subsequent display on the VIPA website and Facebook official page, unless indicated otherwise.
Entries not complying with the conditions set forth above will be disqualified.
If you have any further questions or concern about the conditions, please contact us at : contact@thevipawards.com
Web: http://thevipawards.com/2013/
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