Újságírói ösztöndíj a Munk School of Global Affairs (Toronto) által kínált programba. Az ösztöndíj értéke 35000$/per/ösztöndíjas, amelyből 15000$-t az ösztöndíjasnak az Intézet által kínált külső munkákból kell előteremtenie. Az ösztöndíj 8 hónapig tart. Az ösztöndíj határozott célja, a Kanadán kívűli tehetséges újságírók helyzetbe hozása. A pályázat beadási határideje: 2013. Február 11.
A New Generation of Global Correspondents. We’re seeking 15 outstanding people from around the world with specialist knowledge of their discipline, who want to lead the coverage of their disciplines in global media.
These aren’t ‘normal’ times for journalism, and this isn’t a normal journalism program. We need a new generation of correspondents who understand complex subjects as specialists, and who yearn to report on them across borders as journalists.
The Munk School of Global Affairs is awarding 15 Fellowships in Global Journalism to candidates who:
- Have a graduate degree, or professional degree, or a few years’ work experience in their discipline
- Have strong communications instincts
- Are hungry to cover their disciplines as journalists for media around the world, in all platforms including print, on-line, broadcast and radio, full-time or part-time.
As a Fellow, you’ll spend eight months getting a unique, head start in journalism:
- Reporting on your own discipline for major media.
- Studying “Writing and Multiplatform News Presentation”, “Reporting and Research”, “Global Dynamics”, and “Entrepreneurship”
- Receiving direct mentorship from your own “bureau chief”, an experienced journalist whose job it is to hone your skills and help launch your career
- Attending a year-long series of lectures from leading journalists around the world.
When you finish, you’ll have the skills to:
- Return to your profession, now able to cover your discipline part-time as a freelance journalist for media around the world in print, online, for television and radio; and with an outstanding knowledge of media that will add value to your professional work.
- Become a ‘super-freelancer’, with the skills and relationships to sustain a career covering your discipline for a portfolio of media organizations around the world
- Launch or lead a media business
- Compete for a staff job with a media company that wants your unique mix of specialization, reporting experience, global understanding and business ability
Our job is to mentor your first year covering your specialty, in major media—so that you have the basis to lead in the years that follow. If you have already earned advanced knowledge of a subject, this is a powerful running start into global journalism in less time than most Master’s degrees.
Cost and Earnings
The Fellowship
Because we are admitting only 15 students, the Fellowship in Global Journalism will cost roughly $35,000 per student to deliver. But the Fellowship will pay $20,000 of that cost for every student admitted to the program. Fellows thus pay tuition of only $15,000 for their eight-month program.
Financially, this Fellowship differs from conventional Master of Journalism programs in three key ways:
- Fellows are out of the full-time work-force for only eight months (not two years, as in the case of many graduate journalism programs).
- Fellows will also have the opportunity to earn some of their costs back through freelance work that we will facilitate during the program itself.
- And because we want to encourage a balance of foreign and Canadian students in the program, both pay the same tuition fee
Financing Your Costs
- Fellows who are Canadian citizens or landed immigrants may be eligible for student lines of credit from major Canadian banks.
- Fellows who are neither Canadian citizens nor landed immigrants may be eligible for the same lines of credit if their loans are co-signed by a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant; or they may be eligible for financial support and loans from their home country.
- Because this is a certificate program, Fellows are not eligible for financial aid from the University of Toronto or the Government of Ontario.
Applications open on October 3, 2012 and are due on February 11, 2013. We will interview a short-list of candidates by phone, and will advise successful candidates of their selection in April 2013.
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