2013-ban a 6. alkalommal rendezik meg a Savewater!® 2013 nemzetközi fotópályázatot. A pályázatra a víz értékét bemutató „ütős” képekkel lehet nevezni. A pályázaton 4 kategóriában hirdetnek győzteseket. A díjazottak MacBookot, Ipod-okat, fényképezőgépeket nyerhetnek. Pályázhatnak magánszemélyek és iskolák. Pályázati anyagok beküldési határideje: 2013 szeptember 30.
Terms & conditions of the international 2013 savewater!® Photographic Competition
- Entry is open to all schools and individuals.
- Photographs must have been taken by the entrant listed on the registration form.
- Photographs must be submitted in JPEG or TIF format.
- Photographs must be uploaded onto savewater.com.au. No hardcopy photographs will be accepted.
- Entrants are allowed to submit a maximum of three (3) photographs, with each photograph only permitted to be entered once and in one category only.
- Entries close at 5.00pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) on Monday 30th September 2013.
- No extensions to this date will be granted.
- Please retain a copy of entries for your own purposes.
- The savewater!® Alliance reserves the right to request additional information at any time including higher resolution photos for publication.
- The savewater!® Alliance reserves the right to reclassify, disqualify or withdraw an entry at any time if entry conditions are not met.
- The savewater!® Alliance reserves the right to withdraw any category from the competition at any time.
- All entries will be evaluated in good faith by the judging panel. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence or discussion will be entered into.
- The savewater!® Alliance reserves the right to not submit an entry to the judging panel if it does not meet the entry criteria or is deemed offensive or inappropriate.
- All entries will be judged on the basis of the files submitted to the judging panel.
- Details of the judging procedures cannot be disclosed or discussed before, during, or after the event.
- The judging panel will select a number of photographs that will then go to public vote via savewater!®’s online and social media platforms. The winner of the public vote category will be determined by poll, with the highest polling entry being declared winner, and second highest polling entry declared runner-up. If there is an error with the polling the savewater!® Alliance reserves the right of discretion to determine the most popular and second most popular entries and that decision is final and no correspondence or discussion will be entered into.
- The media comment including spoken or written editorial, and photographic display of any or all of the entries will be at the discretion of the savewater!® Alliance Management and the appropriate media.
- The entrant agrees to indemnify the savewater!® Alliance Management in respect to any claim, legal or otherwise, that may arise out of the publication of the image.
- The savewater!® Alliance reserves the right to change the conditions of entry at any time. You will be notified of any such changes using the electronic contact details you have provided.
- Photographs must have been taken by the entrant and the entrant must own copyright of the image.
- The entrant must give the rights described below to the savewater!® Alliance.
– Without charge unconditionally give the savewater!® Alliance, its members and partners the right to:- reproduce the photograph using my image in printed or digital format; and
- use the entrant’s submitted image/s or edited versions of the entrant’s submitted image/s in any printed, digital or other form including but not limited to print, TV, Internet (including social media) and electronic mediums, in publications and reports, displays, editorials, newsletters and other forms of any kind
- The entrant warrants that the use of the image by the savewater!® Alliance and its members in this way will not constitute a breach of copyright.
- The entrant indemnifies savewater!® Alliance and its members as a result of a breach of this warranty by the entrant.
- Entries from entrants under the age of 18 years must provide details of parent/guardian that approves the entry of the photograph.
- No employee or their immediate family of the savewater!® Alliance are permitted to enter. &lsdquo;Immediate family&rsdquo; means spouse, parent, natural or adopted child, and sibling (whether natural or adopted by a parent), whether or not they live in the same household as the savewater!® Alliance employee.
- The entrant acknowledges that the use of the photograph will result in readers and viewers being able to identify the entrant.
- Where the photograph includes the image of a person or people the person or people whose image/s is used must have given you permission/consent to submit their image into this competition. This consent is the responsibility of the entrant and by agreeing to these terms and conditions the entrant agrees that they have obtained this consent. The savewater!® Alliance will not be held responsible/accountable for promoting/displaying personal images of people/persons who have not agreed to their images being used in the public domain.
- By entering the savewater!® Photographic Competition the entrant agrees that their photos may potentially be automatically entered into other photographic competitions run by savewater!® Alliance member water utilities across Australia.
- This is not a game of chance.
- Prizes cannot be bartered and are not redeemable for cash.
- Where a prize has become unavailable, the savewater!® Alliance reserves the right to provide an alternate prize of equal value.
- Winners and finalists will be published on the savewater!® Alliance website (savewater.com.au) on Friday 8th November 2013.
- The prizes and categories are shown in the following table:
Category Description Prize Open General public Winner: 15-inch: 2.3GHz MacBook Pro valued at $2,000
Runner-up: Adobe Lightroom valued at $200Senior student 13 to 17 years of age Winner: NIKON D5200 digital SLR camera with 18-55mm lens kit valued at $999
Runner-up: Adobe Lightroom valued at $200Junior student Up to 12 years of age Winner: Canon PowerShot A4000 IS Digital Camera valued at $150
Runner-up: iPod shuffle valued at $55People’s Choice Public vote from the judge’s selected short-list Winner: iPad mini valued at $370
Runner up: iTunes voucher valued at $50
You can find out more about the prizes on our comprehensive directory, savewater!® products. Simply click on the prize below to view more information. Products without a listing on the savewater!® products comprehensive directory will link through to the savewater!® products search engine.
Web: http://www.savewater.com.au/programs-and-events/photographic-competition
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