Short and Amateur Film authors filming in the field of environment can submit their films for consideration for screening on the 5th Belgrade’s International Green Culture Festival „GREEN FEST” up to September 26th 2014. This year’s festival will be held under the slogan „Smart Cities” in October 29th to 31st 2014, in cooperation with Dom omladine Belgrade and with help of City of Belgrade – Environment Protection Secretariat and company Lenovo – today was announced by the organizer – Environment Improvement Centre.
On Call for Amateur Film, one can submit the film if it is completely recorded with amateur technique: mobile phones, digital photo or video camera.
Within this category, 3 films will be awarded in the age-structured distribution: up to 18, between 18 and 27, and over 27 years of age, and also one film will be awarded with the Special Award – City of Belgrade – Environmental Protection Secretary.
Call for Short Film is dedicated to film and video professionals filming in the field of Nature and Environment. Two best films will be awarded. All awards are provided by Lenovo.
List of films that have entered in to selection for screening will be available on October 15th 2014, on the official website of the festival (, where the complete documentation can be found.
International Green Culture Festival „GREEN FEST” is the biggest annual „green” event in the South East Europe. In the last 4 years, over 370 films were submitted from all continents, over 80 workshops for students of primary, secondary and University students were held, over 60 artists and exhibitioners were presented, with total of more than 25000 visitors.
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