Pályázatok – Pályázatfigyelő – Pályázatírás

Európai utazás filmpályázat – Euro Shorts

Az Európai Turisztikai Bizottság (European Travel Commission, ETC) nemzetközi rövidfilmpályázatot írt ki fiatal filmkészítők számára. A verseny célja, olyan 3 perces kisfilm elkészítése, amelynek az alapgondolata a „EUROPE – A Never-Ending Journey” („Európa – Egy végtelen utazás”). A pályázat összköltségvetése 20000 euró. A nyertes koncepció gazdája lehetőséget kap arra, hogy egy európai körutazás keretében megvalósítsa a pályázati anyagát. A nyertes csoport minden tagjai első osztályú InterRail Global Pass vasúti bérletet kapnak az Európa országain belüli és az országok közötti utazásra. A film megvalósításához a pályázat kiírója produceri segítséget biztosít.

A jelentkezési határidő 2013. május 13.


The European Travel Commission is seeking a talented new filmmaker with the vision and verve to create an inspirational short film which promotes Europe as a tourism destination to the rest of the world. If you dream of travelling across Europe and making a great film, this is your opportunity!

The European Travel Commission together with the European Commission and Screen South, invite you to submit your idea for a short film for the „Never-Ending Journey” EuroShorts Competition. The winning filmmaker will be invited to travel across Europe and shoot their award winning short film, which will be promoted across the world.

Europe means so many things to so many people, steeped in history, culture and multi-facetted everyday lives – how can you capture its essence in three minutes? Think you can do it? We are looking for a brilliant three-minute film idea which is inspiring and compelling. It can be funny, emotional, or provocative – the choice is yours. It can be drama, documentary or animation – or a mix of all – we want to see your creativity. The winning film will be distributed worldwide through the web and live showcases. This is your chance to establish yourself as a talented new filmmaker on the world stage!


The competition is open to European filmmakers who are over 18 and comply with the eligibility criteria. To enter the competition you should supply a screenplay that captures the idea ofEUROPE – A Never-Ending Journey.


Up to 10 potential winners will be slected an given the chance to promote their proposal online. The screenplay that receives the largest number of public votes is guaranteed to have a place in the shortlist.


Entries will be reduced to a shortlist of 5 and invited to attend an interview in Brussels with a panel of experts including an Academy Award-winning filmmaker. The finalist will be selected on the basis of the idea and ability to deliver.


The winner receives first class InterRail passes for agreed key contributing members of the team and a max. budget of €20 000 to turn the idea into a 3-minute short film which will be promoted across the world.
