Nagyon izgalmas felhívást tett közzé a Kulturális Kezdeményezések Platformja IZOLYATSIA programjuk megvalósítására. Kurátorok, designerek, kulturális menedzserek, várostervezők és építészek jelentkezését várják a rezidens program kidolgozására. A helyszín egy egykori hőszigeteléssel foglalkozó gyár 7 hektáros területe. A megbízás meghatározott időszakra szól. Jelentkezési határidő: 2013 április 26.
IZOLYATSIA. Platform for Cultural Initiatives seeks applicants for the position of Curator for the Artist-in-Residence Program 2013/2014. This is a temporary position running from April 2013 until August 2014 with a possibility of extension for a longer-term contract. To apply, please submit CV including a selection of realised projects, motivation letter (no more than 1000 words) and a brief response to the proposed framework of the project (no more than 700 words) by 26 April, 2013 to
IZOLYATSIA is an interdisciplinary cultural centre established in 2010 in Donetsk, Ukraine. The main mission of the organisation is to instigate social, cultural, and economic transformation of the region through sustainable creative development.
IZOLYATSIA is the name inherited from the site – a 7 hectare factory complex that used to produce insulation materials for the Soviet industry. Although already partially inhabited and home to numerous artistic and cultural interventions, the site has been left largely unreconstructed and partially derelict.
The framework set out by IZOLYATSIA for the 2013/2014 residency project is to be developed by the curator. The project should comprise three stages: development of a brief and concise framework; residency period, which should function as a research stage for the residents and should be supported by a series of workshops, lectures and screenings; implementation of projects developed by the residents during the residency period. The main aim of the project is to develop a conceptually and functionally coherent built environment on the territory of the former factory through artistic, architectural and design interventions. Six to eight residents (from different fields) should be selected through an international open-call. The project should be launched no later than mid-May 2013 and the residency should be held in late summer 2013 lasting from 6 to 8 weeks, leaving 8 to 12 months for implementation. The applicant is encouraged to respond to the proposed framework, which is subject to negotiation with the selected curator.
Curator of AIR (artist-in-residence program) will be responsible for developing the conceptual brief and overseeing the residency program. The position will entail the following responsibilities: expanding and/or altering the given framework of the project and devising a brief for the program on consultation with the IZOLYATSIA team; drafting an open-call for participants (architects, artists, designers, urban planners, theorists, etc); managing open-call dissemination; reviewing applications and selecting residents on consultation with the IZOLYATSIA team; researching the residency’s topic; devising residency program; working with residents on the chosen topic; assisting residents in developing a coherent project; composing technical riders and budgets; participating in all phases of program supervision (including management of other team members).
- M.A. degree in any field related to cultural production, design, urban planning and architecture;
- minimum of 2-3 years of curatorial or similar experience;
- proven interest in post-Soviet politics and society, and/or architecture;
- excellent verbal and written communication skills and in-depth knowledge of architectural field required;
- knowledge of contemporary art field desirable;
- excellent knowledge of English and ability to communicate with those who don’t speak English fluently (the applicant should understand that this will be a largely Russian-speaking environment).
Terms and conditions:
- The applicant must be located in Donetsk for 70% of the contracted time.
- IZOLYATSIA will provide free of cost accommodation.
- The honorarium is subject to separate agreement.
The precise scope of the curator’s responsibilities will be determined upon engagement.
IZOLYATSIA. Platform for Cultural Initiatives
3 Svitloho shliahu street
Donetsk, 83085
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