Az Indonéz művészet és kultúra című ösztöndíj a 2014. március 10. és június 22. közötti időszakra szól. Az ösztöndíjasok a program keretében kiválaszthatják azt a két művészeti központot, amelynek munkájába szeretnének bekapcsolódni. A havi ösztöndíj támogatás 1 500 000 rúpia.
Információ Magyarországon
Indonéz Kormány Nagykövetsége
1068 Budapest, Városligeti fasor 26.
email címe:
Telefonszám: (+36-1) 413 3800
Pályázati határidő: 2014. január 22.
The Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship (IACS) has been conducted since 2003 and was initially offered to and participated by member countries of the South West Pacific Dialogue (SwPD); Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Timor-Leste, and the host Indonesia.
Bearing in mind the significance and advantages obtained from the program, the scholarship was expanded over the years to include member countries of ASEAN, ASEAN+3, PIF countries, as well as many countries from all regions in the world. In the period of 2003 to 2013, the scholarship has been awarded to 518 alumni from 55 countries.
Due to limited space and vast amount of interests in the program, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the Republic of Indonesia in cooperation with Indonesian Embassies and Consulates overseas, holds a series of selection process. Taken into considerations are, among others, awardees’ backgrounds, regional representations, and interests to learn Indonesian culture.
In order to deepen the awardees’ understanding of Indonesian arts and culture, and to enhance their skills for the final performance, awardees will be divided and assigned by the organising committee to different arts centers for the duration of approximately 3 (three) months. The arts centers are located in Bandung, West Java; Denpasar, Bali; Makassar, South Sulawesi; Solo, Central Java; Surabaya, East Java.
Awardees will live within or around the arts center, allowing for the chance to experience local heritage and interact with local community. Synergy between theory and practices shared inside and outside the art center would undoubtedly become the driving force for shaping international cultures and norms, and will eventually strengthen regional as well as global understanding and cooperation at a people-to-people level.
Downloadable documents:
the regular programme
special programme
the form for regular programme
dan for special programme
The Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship (IACS) has been conducted since 2003 and was initially offered to and participated by member countries of the South West Pacific Dialogue (SwPD); Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Timor-Leste, and the host Indonesia.
Bearing in mind the significance and advantages obtained from the program, the scholarship was expanded over the years to include member countries of ASEAN, ASEAN+3, PIF countries, as well as many countries from all regions in the world. In the period of 2003 to 201 3, the scholarship has been awarded to 518 alumni from 55 countries. IACS has two categories: Regular Program and
Special Program.
This year the theme of IACS Special Program is Indonesian Studies for Future Indonesianists (ISFI). The term of Indonesianists refer to foreign individuals who master about Indonesia in one or some areas, be it in politics, economics, socio-cultures, arts, and the like. It has been acknowledged that Indonesian Studies has become one of programs offered in some universities around the
world. This program is expected to provide more opportunities for students of Indonesian Studies (or those who wish to study/make a research on Indonesia) to update their knowledge about Indonesia from a closer look.
Due to limited space in the program, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in cooperation with Indonesian Embassies and Consulates overseas, hold a series of selection process to invite 10 (ten) participants. Taken into considerations are, among others, the ir backgrounds, regional representations, ability to adapt with diverse cultures, and their interest to academically study more about Indonesia from various angles.
In order to deepen participants’ understanding of Indonesia, the 10 (ten) awardees will learn about new Indonesia in one of universities in Yogyakarta for the duration of approximately 3 (three) months.
Awardees will live within or around the learning centre/university, allowing for the chance to experience the local heritage and interact with local community.
Synergy between theory and practices shared inside and outside the learning centre would undoubtedly become the driving force for shaping international cultures and norms, and will eventually strengthen regional as well as global understanding and cooperation at a people-to-people level.
ISFI intends to introduce new Indonesia to interested individuals who have academically learned about Indonesia and wish to specialize themselves on
them knowledge about Bahasa Indonesia, latest circumstances of Indonesian
Specific materials regarding United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) will also be included in the syllabus of the program.
Aside of that, participants of this program are scheduled to learn one basic traditional dance that will be performed in the closing ceremony of the program, „the Indonesian Channel”.
After completing the program, participants are supposed to be equipped more with better understanding about Indonesia and complement the knowledge they have acquired in their schools.
ISFI is meant for students who take up Indonesian Studies, or Social Studies, as their major. Other individuals who have sufficient knowledge about Indonesia and would like to study the country more deeply are also welcome to apply.
The non-degree arts and culture scholarship is offered for about three months period of time, starting on 8 March to 22 June 2014.
After 1 (one) week of program orientation/introduction in Jakarta, awardees will start the program at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (UPN) Veteran in Yogyakarta. Do expect exposures to more places like local NGOs, civil organizations, museums, other universities, media, government offices, religious and tourism sites, etc.
All participants will learn about Indonesia in different aspects. Some materials in the program are Bahasa Indonesia; role of UNAOC; religious tolerance; democracy; latest progress on Indonesian politics; social and economy; as well as Indonesian arts and culture.
The learning center will also arrange visits to several government and nongovernment institutions as well as renowned touristdestinations for participants.
Prior to their residency at the learning center, awardees will participate in one week orientation in Jakarta and will learn issues such as the Aim and Objectives of the Scholarship; Introduction to Indonesian Culture; Information about the activities; and more detailed curriculum offered by the learning center.
IACS participants will at the end perform in an arts and cultural night titled “Indonesia Channel” to remark the closing of the scholarship program. The “Indonesia Channel” is scheduled to be held on 21 June 2014 in Yogyakarta.
Awardees will return back to their respective countries on the following days.
- The scholarship will cover:
- Tuition fee;
- A round trip economy class ticket;
- Accommodation (board and lodging);
- Meals for 3 times/day;
- Health insurance (limited). All recipients are advised to have their own health insurance.
- Monthly allowance of Rp. 1.500.000,- (given for 3 times).
- The scholarship will not cover excess baggage for participants.
- Candidates must be between the ages of 21 to 30 years-old with at least a high school diploma;
- Candidates should possess high interest in Indonesian Studies. Students or those with an academic history on Indonesian Studies will be an advantage, however students of Social Studies are encouraged to apply;
- Bearing in mind the intensity of the program, candidates are highly advised to ensure prime physical conditions, particularly for female candidates to ensure that they do not conceive prior and during the program;
- Candidates must complete the application form (attached) and submit it along with the followings:
- 3 (three) passport-sized photographs;
- A photo-copy of passport with validity period at least ten months;
- A photo-copy of academic diploma;
- A photo-copy of the latest valid health certification from a qualified medical practitioner. On the day of leaving the origin country, participants should equipped themselves with a valid health certification from a qualified medical practitioner;
- A motivation letter, stating why candidates are interested to join IACS and their plans after completing the program;
- A letter of recommendation; could be issued by teachers or instructors or supervisors, etc;
- A personal statement declaring the following:
- the willingness to be subject to Indonesian laws and regulations during his/her stay in Indonesia;
- the willingness to follow all the rules and regulations set up by the organizing committee and learning center;
- willingness not to ride motorbikes and cars during the program, unless they have international driving license;
- willingness to accept the facilities provided by the organizing committee and learning center; including willingness to stay at the designated accommodations;
- not to work or be employed for financial benefits during the program;
- willingness to follow the travel arrangements arranged by the
- organizing committee to and from Indonesia;
- willingness to participate in all the program arranged by the organising committee and learning center, unless, during the
- program, declared unfit by a qualified medical practitioner;
- willingness not to return to home countries during the program, unless for emergency reasons.
- Candidates are expected to acquire English skill;
- The program will include Bahasa Indonesia classes. A minimum skill ofBahasa Indonesia will be an advantage for candidates, but is not a main criterion for the programme.
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